An OMDb API consumer. Programming Club exercise at Telkom University.
version 8.0.1aeson
runhaskell movee NAME [YEAR]
runhaskell movee who am i
Title : Who Am I
Year : 2014
Genre : Crime, Drama, Sci-Fi
Rating : 7.6
Benjamin, a young German computer whiz, is invited to join a subversive hacker group that wants to be noticed on the world's stage.
This movie is awesome! Looks like worth for us!
With year:
runhaskell movee one day 2016
Title : One Day
Year : 2016
Genre : Romance
Rating : 8.4
This movie is awesome! Looks like worth for us!
Another example:
runhaskell movee zombeavers
Title : Zombeavers
Year : 2014
Genre : Comedy, Horror, Thriller
Rating : 4.8
A fun weekend turns into madness and horror for a bunch of groupies looking for fun in a beaver infested swamp.
Well, this movie quite modern but has bad rating...
git clone
cd movee
ghc movee
sudo mv movee /usr/bin
Test it out.