Place the files at
, the path-scripts on your$PATH
, and the home-scripts on your$HOME
These are the main configurations used for my Kali Linux setup. Unfortunately, a lot of the directory paths have to be tuned for use with other devices, and certain scripts have to be moved to the $PATH
for some of these configurations to function properly. (I'm looking at you, the 3 line script to reset picom.) Other than that, it should be clean and usable enough for my first time ricing a linux distro. Available configurations include:
- i3wm
- picom (jonaburg's fork)
- polybar
- dunst
- kitty
- rofi
- neofetch
- betterlockscreen
- $PATH scripts used
- rofi-wifi-menu
- rofi-power-menu
- picomreset
- $HOME scripts available
- .vimrc
- .zshrc
While these services don't neccessarily contain configuration files, they're very crucial in my setup to install on my window manager to have it running properly.
- i3-gaps
- kali-desktop-xfce
- lxpolkit
- feh
- Nerd Fonts:
- DejaVu Sans Mono
- Hack
- Noto Sans JP
Rose Pine Moon is one of the few color schemes I looked at for a short while and instantly fell in love with, to the point where I've used the scheme in many of my applications. You can find the themes listed in their website.
Used Themes [CLICK TO OPEN]
- btop
- cava
- Firefox
- kitty
- Polybar
- Rofi
- Spicetify
- Visual Studio Code
- Wallpapers
- YouTube