Lightweight CPU/GPU Matrix/Tensor Template Library in C++/CUDA
Creater: Bing Xu and Tianqi Chen
Documentation and Tutorial:
Most machine learning algorithms requires matrix,tensor operations frequently. For example, Eq.(1) is a common SGD update rule, where the weight can be a vector, matrix or 3D tensor. Eq.(2) is the backpropagtion rule:
(1) weight = - eta * ( grad + lambda * weight );
(2) gradin = dot( gradout, netweight.T() );
These operations are not hard to implement, even in C++. The first one is elementwise operations, and can easily be written as
for( int index = 0; index < weight.length; index ++ ){
weight[index] = - eta * ( grad[index] + lambda * weight[index] );
Eq.(2) is matrix product, and we can use standard BLAS packages such as Intel MKL. It will looklike
sgemm( CblasNoTrans, CblasTrans, n, m, k, 1.0, gradout.ptr, lda, netweight.ptr, ldb, 0.0, gradin.ptr, ldc );
- It is annoying to write these codes repeatively, and they are not intuitive.
- What if we want to port our code to GPU? We need to rewrite our code in CUDA
mshadow is a unified C++/CUDA lib to to write Eq.(1) and Eq.(2) in C++, and translate them to the for loop and standard packages such as MKL, CuBLAS in compile time.
- Shadow instead of giant: mshadow does not implement all of the functions, it is more of a wrapper to translated easy-to-read code to standard 'giant' packages such as MKL
- Whitebox instead of blackbox: put a float* into the Tensor struct and take the benefit of the package, no memory allocation is happened unless explicitly called
- Unified CPU/GPU code: write a code and it should run in both CPU and GPU
- Lightweight library: light amount of code to support frequently used functions in machine learning
- Extendable: user can write simple functions that plugs into mshadow and run on GPU/CPU, no experience in CUDA is required.
- CXXNET: neural network implementation based on mshadow: