This hook is used to provide auxiliary data related to selection status of a list, as well as utility functions to manipulate selection status of list items.
import useListSelectionManagement from "use-list-selection-management";
const data = [
const {
totalItemsCount, //count total items in the list
selectedItems, //partial list of selected items
selectedItemsCount, //count total items in the list
isAllSelected, // A boolean indicating whether all items are selected
isSomeButNotAllSelected, // A boolean indicating whether some but not all items are selected
toggleThisItem, // A function to change selection status of an item
toggleAllItems, // A function to change selection status of all items in the list
listSelectionMap, // The map that record selection status of items in the list
} = useListSelectionManagement(
data, // An array of items
(i) =>, // A function that returns the id of the item, help recognize them