Caffe-Builder is a set of CMake scripts (using CMake's ExternalProject) that automate the build and installation of popular C/C++ open source libraries on Windows using microsoft toolchain.
Using this project will (hopefully) make building, installing and using open source libraries on Windows much easier.
- CMake (tested with 3.4 and 3.6)
- Visual Studio (tested with 2013 and 2015 in 64 bit mode)
- Git
- Ninja
Make sure CMake, Git and Ninja are in your path.
- CUDA (tested with 7.5) for GPU support in opencv and other libraries
- Python (tested with 2.7.x) to build boost.python for example
cmd> cd %caffe_builder_root%
cmd> git clone caffe-builder
Execute the following command to build the libraries
cmd> build_v120_x64.cmd
Alternatively you can execute one command after the other :: Create a build directory cmd> mkdir build && cd build :: Setup the VS compiler cmd> call "%VS120COMNTOOLS%....\VC\vcvarsall.bat" amd64 :: This will build all libraries that were configured to build with the BUILD_* options (see below) cmd> ninja :: Or alternatively cmd> ninja :: You can execute this command to list all possible targets cmd> ninja -t targets
The libraries will be installed in build\libraries. Alongside the libraries a series of Find*.cmake files will be installed and a caffe-builder-config.cmake file will be installed too. You can replace 120
with 140
in the commands above to build with VS 2015.
cmd> cd myproject
cmd> mkdir build
cmd> cd build
cmd> cmake -G <generator name> -C %caffe_builder_root%\caffe-builder\build\libraries\caffe-build-config.cmake