For users on the following supercomputers Hera, Jet, Orion, Cheyenne
, the build process is very straight forward:
git clone
cd GSI
The build.comgsi script will load required modules, set required environmental variables and build GSI, regional EnKF and other utilities. All executables are under the build/bin directory.
With the transition of NOAA GSI/EnKF codes to Github, the original (outdated) libsrc/ was removed and those libraries will come from the NCEPLIBS repository released by UFS. For how to build NCEPLIBS, please seek helps from the UFS support forum.
Community users can follow these steps to build GSI/EnKF:
This extra step is required as NCEPLIBS does not release bufrlib and wrfio lib at this moment. In the future, when NCEPLIBS includes these two libraries, this step will not be needed.
You can build these two libraries from the comgsi/GSILIBS repo at Github as follows:
git clone
mkdir build; cd build
make -j8
The compiled libraries will be under the build/lib directory. You will need this path in step 2.3.3.
The UFS support forum provides helps on how to build NCEPLIBS. Please submit your questions there.
FYI, Here is a quick summary how we installed NCEPLIBS.
git clone
for example, a file
may looks like as follows:
module purge
module load intel/18.0.5 ncarenv ncarcompilers
module load impi/2018.4.274
module load mkl
module load netcdf
module load cmake/3.16.4
(3) change the following three variables in the ush/build.comgsi script based on your computing environment
NOTE For those who don't have the environmental module system in your computing platform, you may follow the ush/build.comgsi script on how to set up environmental variables and then do the compiling.
You can get some basic fix files from the comgsi/fix repository:
git clone
For a complete set of fix files, please download them from the DTC website.
If you have any questions, please contact