Contributers: Sebastian Sloan , Kevin McGrevey , Steve Anderson , Will Kunz
In this app you will be able to see merchants and items as well as add items to your cart and complete orders to be submitted to the merchant for fufillment. Visitors can also register and become perminant users of the app! In order to see our app at its full functionality please visit us at Monster Shop.
For those who would like to inspect this code more closley and offer suggestions for improvment or give complaments for some good code please follow these instructions.
At the top of the page click on the Fork
This will make a copy of the app. so that you can mess with everything however you want to! Again feedback is welcome. Next
lets copy this down to your local device. Please make sure you have a directory ready in your CLI
once you do then you
will click on the Clone or Download
button and click on the copy button the arrow is pointing to.
once you are in your prefered dircetory type in these commands git clone
, space bar
, command + V
, return
Great!! Now you have the app in your local device!!! But we are not done yet!! Now We have to set up the enviornment!!
now that we have your new Monster Shop app on your local device lets get it ready for you to use!!
fist type cd monster_shop_1911
Next we are going to type in bundle install
, return
After you have waited for a while for everything you install, we are still not done, now we have to make a database
We are going to run the following commands hitting return
after each command.
rake db:create
rake db:migrate
rake db:seed
Assuming that you did not get any errors your database is now set up!!! But let us make sure we don't have any testing issues. So lets run
bundle exec rspec
you should have all passing tests!!! If for some reason you do not please message one of the contributers above.
Congragulations!!! your app is ready!!! now we can see the code and every test passes, all that is left is to see if the app looks locally.
Next we are going to run rails s
if you did it right (which lets face it, if you didn't then you probably shouldn't be coding) either way this is what your CLI
should look like.
next lets see this bad boy on the browser, So we are going to open a new tab in our browser and in your URL bar and type in
and if you did this right then this is what you should be looking at.
Our code is clean and follows C.R.U.D. functionality and is very Restful. However we could have better options in our app and much better C.S.S.
We hope that you enjoy our app as much as we enjoyed making it!!! As always feedback is welcome. Thank you!