This is a Arduino library to communicate with SX1302 LoRa gateway based on Semtech's SX1302 HAL:
Currently this library has been tested with SX1303 + SX1250
- SX1303 comunication test
- SX1250 comunication test
- RX test with SX1302+SX1250
- TX test with SX1302+SX1250
- SX1261 comunication test
- SX1255/SX1257 comunication test
- LBT and GPS related functions
- LBT functions
- GPS functions
- Adding cs pin configuring for lgw_conf_board_s (=>boardconf.cs) to define the cs pin for SX1302
- lgw_connect now takes CS pin number input instead of com_type and com_path
- sx1261_connect also takes CS pin number input instead of com_type and com_path