A .js file you can embed on any page to add a feedback form. It is built using Rum and Shadow-cljs.
For a release build:
shadow-cljs release feedbackbocks
# or
pnpm release
For an interactive watch build
shadow-cljs watch feedbackbocks
# or
pnpm watch
This component expects a <div>
with an id
of dartar
<div id='dartar'
data-greeting="Send us feedback about this page"
data-feedback-placeholder="Wowzers you guys..."
As well as the aft (csrf anti forgery token)
<div id='aft' style='display:none;' value={{aft}} data-aft={{aft}}></div>
<!--the antiforgery token must be provided by the server rendering this file;; selmer is used here-->
As well as the id called fbbi
<div id='fbbi'></div>
Finally, in index.html calls and intializes
<script src="/js/feedbackbocks.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
The core.cljs file grabs the aft from the html page and also gets the textarea.value from the feedback bocks.
(let [*aft* (.getAttribute (. js/document (getElementById "aft")) "data-aft")
in (.-value (. js/document (getElementById "feedback-input")))]
The POST is done via cljs-ajax
(POST endpoint
{ :params {:feedback-content in}
:headers {"x-xsrf-token" *aft*}
:format :text})
(.log js/console "aft: " *aft*)
(.log js/console "input: " in)
More :params can be added to the :params map.
On the server .clj
file you will need a route to accept the POST
(POST "/feedback" [_ :as r]
(let [client-url (get (:headers r) "referer")
client-email (:special-auth-email (:session r))
bod (slurp (:body r))
bbod (clojure.edn/read-string bod)
feedback (:feedback bbod)]
(prn "; r " r )
(prn "; email " client-email)
(prn "client-url;; " client-url)
(prn "bbod;; " bbod)
(prn "feedback;; " feedback)
;;save the feedback to the server
(prn "save the feedback to the server here.")
{:status 200
:headers {"Content-Type" "text"}
:body (str "received from " client-email " at " client-url)}))
That is an example using Ring and Compojure. In general, one can break the request into relevant subkeys, but one must clojure.edn/read-string
on the body of the :format :text POST.