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Usage twolame 0.3.13

Wiesław Šoltés edited this page Jan 11, 2018 · 1 revision
TwoLAME version TwoLame 0.3.13 (
MPEG Audio Layer II (MP2) encoder
        twolame [options] <infile> [outfile]

Both input and output filenames can be set to - to use stdin/stdout.
  <infile>       input sound file (any format supported by libsndfile)
  <outfile>      output bit stream of encoded audio

Input Options
        -r, --raw-input          input is raw signed PCM audio
        -x, --byte-swap          force byte-swapping of input
        -s, --samplerate srate   sampling frequency of raw input (Hz)
            --samplesize bits    size of raw input samples in bits (default 16-bit)
        -N, --channels nch       number of channels in raw input
        -g, --swap-channels      swap channels of input file
            --scale value        scale input (multiply PCM data)
            --scale-l value      scale channel 0 (left) input
            --scale-r value      scale channel 1 (right) input

Output Options
        -m, --mode mode          (s)tereo, (j)oint, (d)ual, (m)ono or (a)uto
        -a, --downmix            downmix from stereo to mono file for mono encoding
        -b, --bitrate br         total bitrate in kbps (default 192 for 44.1kHz)
        -P, --psyc-mode psyc     psychoacoustic model -1 to 4 (default 3)
        -v, --vbr                enable VBR mode
        -V, --vbr-level lev      enable VBR and set VBR level -50 to 50 (default 5)
        -B, --max-bitrate rate   set the upper bitrate when in VBR mode
        -l, --ath lev            ATH level (default 0.0)
        -q, --quick num          only calculate psy model every num frames
        -S, --single-frame       only encode a single frame of MPEG Audio

Miscellaneous Options
        -c, --copyright          mark as copyright
            --non-copyright      mark as non-copyright (default)
        -o, --non-original       mark as non-original
            --original           mark as original (default)
        -p, --protect            enable CRC error protection
        -d, --padding            force padding bit/frame on
        -R, --reserve-bits num   set number of reserved bits in each frame
        -e, --deemphasis emp     de-emphasis n/5/c (default: (n)one)
        -E, --energy             turn on energy level extensions

Verbosity Options
        -t, --talkativity num    talkativity 0-10 (default is 2)
            --quiet              same as --talkativity=0
            --brief              same as --talkativity=1
            --verbose            same as --talkativity=4

Allowable bitrates for 32, 44.1 and 48kHz sample input (MPEG-1)
  32,  48,  56,  64,  80,  96, 112, 128, 160, 192, 224, 256, 320, 384

Allowable bitrates for 16, 22.05 and 24kHz sample input (MPEG-2)
   8,  16,  24,  32,  40,  48,  56,  64,  80,  96, 112, 128, 144, 160
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