TlpProfile is a gnome extension that help you switch different profiles.
TLP is required.
Might have to remove power-profiles-daemon, that can conflicts with TLP.
Mask systemd-rfkill.service and systemd-rfkill.socket to avoid conflicts and assure proper operation of TLP's radio device switching options.
sudo systemctl mask systemd-rfkill.service
sudo systemctl mask systemd-rfkill.socket
Once e extension started, directory ~/.tlp_profile/ will be initialized.
Goto directory ~/.tlp_profile/, and there will be three power mode configure(corresponding to power-saver/balanced/performance mode), edit them in TLP's setting format(refer to TLP document)
Switching profiles just copy target power configure files to /etc/tlp.d/_tlp_extension_profile.conf(accessing the file requires root permission).
Invalid configurations leads to switch profile failed, check with
sudo tlp start
If some configuration not follow your define,
tlp-stat -c
will be helpful, it prints where the configuration come from.