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Add bidirectional linking.
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whilo committed Apr 14, 2024
1 parent e40057d commit 4cae3f2
Showing 1 changed file with 31 additions and 13 deletions.
44 changes: 31 additions & 13 deletions src/ie/simm/runtimes/assistance.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -182,15 +182,14 @@
[:div {:class "content"}
[:h1 {:class "title"} (or (:chat/title (d/entity @conn [:chat/id (Long/parseLong chat-id)]))
"Noname chat")]
[:div {:class "box"} "This is a chat overview."]]
[:div {:class "content"} "This is a chat overview."]]
[:div {:class "container"}
[:h2 {:class "subtitle"} "Notes"]
[:div {:class "content"}
[:a {:class "button is-primary" :href (str "/download/chat/" chat-id "/")} "Download"]]
[:section {:class "box"}
[:ul (map (fn [[f]] [:li [:a {:href (str "/notes/" chat-id "/" f)} f]])
(d/q '[:find ?t :where [?n :note/title ?t]] @conn))]]] ]]))))
(d/q '[:find ?t :where [?n :note/title ?t]] @conn))]]]]))))

(defn view-note [peer {{:keys [chat-id note]} :path-params}]
(let [conn (ensure-conn peer chat-id)
Expand All @@ -213,21 +212,35 @@
@conn note)
(reduce (fn [m [s d t n f l]]
(update m s (fnil conj []) [d t n f l]))
linking-notes (d/q '[:find ?lt
:in $ ?t
[?n :note/title ?t]
[?l :note/link ?n]
[?l :note/title ?lt]]
@conn note)]
[:div {:class "container"}
[:div {:class "content"}
[:nav {:class "breadcrumb" :aria-label "breadcrumbs"}
[:ul {} #_[:li [:p "Process"]]
[:li [:span {:class "icon is-small"} [:i {:class "bx bx-home"}]] [:a {:href "/#"} "Home"]]
[:li [:span {:class "icon is-small"} [:i {:class "bx bx-chat"}]] [:a {:href (str "/notes/" chat-id)} (or chat-title "Noname chat")]]
[ [:a {:href (str "/notes/" chat-id "/" note)} note]]]]]
[:nav {:class "breadcrumb" :aria-label "breadcrumbs"}
[:ul {} #_[:li [:p "Process"]]
[:li [:span {:class "icon is-small"} [:i {:class "bx bx-home"}]] [:a {:href "/#"} "Home"]]
[:li [:span {:class "icon is-small"} [:i {:class "bx bx-chat"}]] [:a {:href (str "/notes/" chat-id)} (or chat-title "Noname chat")]]
[ [:a {:href (str "/notes/" chat-id "/" note)} note]]]]]
[:div {:class "box"}
[:div {:id "note" :class "notification"}
(when body [:button {:class "delete" :hx-post (str "/notes/" chat-id "/" note "/delete") :hx-trigger "click" :hx-target "#note" :hx-confirm "Are you sure you want to delete this note?"}])
(if body (md-render body) "Note does not exist yet.")]
[:button {:class "button is-primary" :hx-post (str "/notes/" chat-id "/" note "/edit") :hx-target "#note" :hx-trigger "click"} "Edit"]]
(when (seq linking-notes)
[:div {:class "box"}
[:div {:class "content"}
[:h3 "Pointing to this note"]
(for [[ln] linking-notes]
[:div {:class "content"}
[:a {:href (str "/notes/" chat-id "/" ln)} ln]])]])
(when (seq summaries)
[:div {:class "content"}
(for [[i [s ds]] (map (fn [i s] [i s]) (rest (range)) summaries)]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -260,10 +273,15 @@
:keys [params]}]
(let [conn (ensure-conn peer chat-id)
id (or (:db/id (d/entity @conn [:note/title note])) (d/tempid :db.part/user))
new-body (get params "note")]
(d/transact conn [{:db/id id
:note/title note
:note/body new-body}])
new-body (get params "note")
links (extract-links new-body)]
(prn "links" links)
(d/transact conn [(merge
{:db/id id
:note/title note
:note/body new-body}
(when (seq links)
{:note/link (mapv first (d/q '[:find ?n :in $ [?t ...] :where [?n :note/title ?t]] @conn links))}))])
{:status 200
:body "Success."}))

Expand Down

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