To download the HUD press the "ZIP" button on top of the github page.
Navigate to ... / Steam / steamapps / common / team fortress 2 / tf / custom / . Move one of the hud folders from the zip into that folder.
The HUD has optional shortcuts on Q,E & R for various menus. You can also press Enter, Q or click anywhere to get through the map intro screens. The regular number shortcuts on team and class selection still work, too.
Colors & optional elements
Your first stop for customizing this HUD will be the clientscheme. You can find it in /custom/hudname/resource/ . ".res" files can be opened with text editors such as Notepad++.
You can change colors and enable/disable certain HUD elements there. Instructions are in the clientscheme itself.
Main Menu
The Main Menu has two clickable "Hot Corners"
The top right toggles the console and the bottom right connects you to a favorite server.
You'll need to add...
alias Home "connect ;password " your autoexec in order to make the "Favorite Server" button work.
The crosshair.png image gives you an overview of the new crosshairs
To enable the HUD-crosshair navigate to /scripts/hudlayout.res You will find instructions at the top of that file. Crosshair color and on-hit color are defined in /resource/clientscheme.res
I've also included fog's, Garm3n's & konr's crosshairs as legacy options.
You can find some useful links, console commands and other info in the FAQ.
Issues and bugs
This HUD may not work with certain localizations of TF2, because of the custom fonts used in the HUD.
This can help resolve issues:
- use the command "hud_reloadscheme" in the console
- restart TF2 / Steam
- verify TF2's game cache on steam
- re-download & re-install the hud
You can submit bug reports & questions via the GitHub issue tracker. This is the best way to let me know what's up.
Thanks for using this HUD!
- whayay
Thanks to: Garm3n, maxerize, boots, ell, e-thug, foster, kenneth, trog, Lange