Create an interactive dispersion curve for an FCC crystal using LAMMPS, Python, and Bokeh. Useful for studying the effect of pressure (or another parameter) on the normal modes.
- A valid LAMMPS installation with fix-phonon enabled
- Python
- Bokeh
The project creates a standalone web page that lets the user explore the change in the dispersion curve as a function of pressure
git clone
cd disp_app
mkdir workspace
The project source files are under ./src in two folders
- lammps
- python
The first holds the input file needed by LAMMPS to run the simulation. It only requires a data file and a map file to work. These can be generated using the python module developed for this task
A python wrapper to use the modules for pre and post processing
The fixphonon submodule has been tested using the CuPhonon data provided by LAMMPS
To build the documentation for the project
cd doc
make clean
sphinx-apidoc -f -o source/ ../../src/python
make html