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The main objective of DeregGenes is to find genes that are deregulated(up-regulate and down- regulate) in different diseases. This package could also allow users to put different results together to generate a heatmap for cross studies analysis. It improves users’ time on massive data cleaning and data annotating processes prior to the analysis since different data prepared by different platforms will need to be handled by different tools. Moreover, this package provides a simple way to let users get a summarised result across multiple current studies data to provide them with a more confident result and conclusion. Also, using this package will save users time to switch back and forth between different distinct packages and learn different documentation since the different packages will require different input data types which is not available on any current published r package.

  • R requirement: 4.2.0 or later version

  • Development platform: Mac


You can install the development version of DeregGenes from GitHub with:

devtools::install_github("wezhubb/DeregGenes", build_vignettes = TRUE)

To run the ShinyApp:



data(package = "DeregGenes") 

There are 4 functions in DeregGenes

prepareData: A function used to clean and annotate the data, including handling raw CEL format data, putting together different individual samples into a table, converting different gene IDs and probe IDs to universal HGNC gene symbols, and joining different tables. This function will create a data matrix in which each row represent different gene(with the gene symbol in its rowname), and each column represent different gene’s expression level in different sample.

logFCsingle: A function to analyze the gene expression data to find gene expression fold change/gene differential expression for each gene in a single study. This function will create a data frame where each row represent different genes, and six columns that gives expressional change(logFC), average expression(AveExpr), t value(t), p value(P.Value), adjusted p value(adj.P.Val), and log-odd ratio/B-statistic(B).

Aggreg: A function to aggregate different gene expression fold changes across different studies. This function will create a list of length three. The first element of the list is a data frame of up-regulated differential genes. The second element of the list is a data frame of down-regulated differential genes. For the first two data frame, each row a a different genes, and there will be four columns: gene symbol(Name), p value(Pvalue), adjust p value(adjPvalue), and expressional change(logFC). The last element of the list is a aggregated data frame where each row is a gene, and each column is the logFC of different studies.

plotHeatMap: A function to draw a heatmap representation of differential gene expression corss different studies. Notice that this function will not return the heatmap, but will stored the heat map in local directory.

Below is a flowchart demonstart the work flow of this package.

See help(package = "DeregGenes") for further details and references provided by citation("DeregGenes").


The package is created by Wenzhu Ye.

The prepareData function use of oligo package to read in and normalize CEl file, use of biomaRt package to get the HGNC gene symbol, and use of dplyr package to filter dataset. The logFCsingle function use of impute package to impute the missing values in dataset and use of limma package to compute linear fit of the gene expression. The Aggreg function use of RobustRankAggreg package to compute overall preformance of each gene’s expression level across target studies. The plotHeatMap function use of pheatmap package to plot the heatmap. shinny package is used to develop shinny app.


This package was developed as part of an assessment for 2022f BCB410H: Applied Bioinformatics, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada.


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