This repository lists papers with topics covering OLTP and error testing (especially concurrency-related testing).
New PR is welcome for any material that you think should be included in this collection. .
If you want to add new paper, please follow link format:
paperName(with access link) [MeetingName(with open source code, if exists) Year]
- 10 Years of research on debugging concurrent and multicore software: a systematic mapping study [Software Quality Journal 17]
- Coo: Consistency Check for Transactional Databases
- Techniques and Efficiencies from Building a Real-Time DBMS [VLDB 23]
- LLM for Data Management [VLDB 24]
- Native Distributed Databases: Problems, Challenges and Opportunities [VLDB 24]
- GeoGauss: Strongly Consistent Coordinator-Free OLTP for Geo-Replicated SQL Database [SIGMOD 23]
- P4DB - The Case for In-Network OLTP [SIGMOD 22]
- GaccO - A GPU-accelerated OLTP DBMS [SIGMOD 22]
- Proteus: Autonomous Adaptive Storage for Mixed Workloads [SIGMOD 22]
- Progressive Partitioning for Parallelized Query Execution in Google's Napa [VLDB 23]
- Krypton: Real-time Serving and Analytical SQL Engine at ByteDance [VLDB 23]
- OceanBase Paetica: A Hybrid Shared-nothing/Shared-everything Database for Supporting Single Machine and Distributed Cluster [VLDB 23]
- PolarDB-SCC: A Cloud-Native Database Ensuring Low Latency for Strongly Consistent Reads [VLDB 23]
- Natural Language Interfaces for Databases with Deep Learning [VLDB 23]
- TiQuE: Improving the Transactional Performance of Analytical Systems for True Hybrid Workloads [VLDB 23]
- The art of latency hiding in modern database engines [VLDB 23]
- CoroBase: coroutine-oriented main-memory database engine [VLDB 21]
- ScaleDB: A Scalable, Asynchronous In-Memory Database [OSDI 23]
- NOMAD: Non-Exclusive Memory Tiering via Transactional Page Migration [OSDI 24]
- DRust: Language-Guided Distributed Shared Memory with Fine Granularity, Full Transparency, and Ultra Efficiency [OSDI 24]
- GaussDB: A Cloud-Native Multi-Primary Database with Compute-Memory-Storage Disaggregation [VLDB 24]
- TDSQL: Tencent Distributed Database System [VLDB 24]
- LazyLog: A New Shared Log Abstraction for Low-Latency Applications [SOSP 24]
- What Modern NVMe Storage Can Do, And How To Exploit It: High-Performance I/O for High-Performance Storage Engines [VLDB 23]
- NVM: Is it Not Very Meaningful for Databases? [VLDB 23]
- An Empirical Evaluation of Columnar Storage Formats [VLDB 23]
- Understanding the Performance Implications of the Design Principles in Storage-Disaggregated Databases [SIGMOD 24]
- Structural Designs Meet Optimality: Exploring Optimized LSM-tree Structures in A Colossal Configuration Space [SIGMOD 24]
- CaaS-LSM: Compaction-as-a-Service for LSM-based Key-Value Stores in Storage Disaggregated Infrastructure [SIGMOD 24]
- LavaStore: ByteDance’s Purpose-built, High-performance, Cost-effective Local Storage Engine for Cloud Services [VLDB 24]
- LeanStore: A High-Performance Storage Engine for NVMe SSDs [VLDB 24]
- PALF: Replicated Write-Ahead Logging for Distributed Databases [VLDB 24]
- Polaris: Enabling Transaction Priority in Optimistic Concurrency Control [SIGMOD 23]
- Diva: Making MVCC Systems HTAP-Friendly [SIGMOD 22]
- Plor: General Transactions with Predictable, Low Tail Latency [SIGMOD 22]
- Strictly Serializable Timestamp Ordering by Avoiding the Timestamp-Inversion Pitfall [OSDI 23]
- Polyjuice: High-Performance Transactions via Learned Concurrency Control [OSDI 21]
- Verifying vMVCC, a high-performance database using multi-version concurrency control [OSDI 23]
- Contention-aware lock scheduling for transactional databases [VLDB 18]
- Cornus: atomic commit for a cloud DBMS with storage disaggregation [VLDB 22]
- Making Cache Monotonic and Consistent [VLDB 22]
- Scalable and Robust Snapshot Isolation for High-Performance Storage Engines [VLDB 22]
- OptiQL: Robust Optimistic Locking for Memory-Optimized Indexes [SIGMOD24]
- A study of database performance sensitivity to experiment settings [VLDB 22]
- An evaluation of distributed concurrency control [VLDB 17]
- NCC: Natural Concurrency Control for Strictly Serializable Datastores by Avoiding the Timestamp-Inversion Pitfall [OSDI 23]
- Motor: Enabling Multi-Versioning for Distributed Transactions on Disaggregated Memory [OSDI 24]
- Massively Parallel Multi-Versioned Transaction Processing [OSDI 24]
- Towards Optimal Transaction Scheduling [VLDB 24]
- FC: Adaptive Atomic Commit via Failure Detection [ICDE 24]
- LCL: A Lock Chain Length-based Distributed Algorithm for Deadlock Detection and Resolution [ICDE 23]
- Transaction Scheduling: From Conflicts to Runtime Conflicts [SIGMOD 23]
- Towards a Practical Database Management System with Verifiable ACID Properties and Transaction Correctness [SIGMOD 22]
- Skeena: Efficient and Consistent Cross-Engine Transactions [SIGMOD 22]
- Natto: Providing Distributed Transaction Prioritization for High-Contention Workloads [SIGMOD 22]
- Fine-Grained Re-Execution for Efficient Batched Commit of Distributed Transactions [VLDB 23]
- Epoxy: ACID Transactions Across Diverse Data Stores [VLDB 23]
- Epoch-based Commit and Replication in Distributed OLTP Databases [VLDB 21]
- Efficient Distributed Transaction Processing in Heterogeneous Networks [VLDB 23]
- NOC-NOC: Towards Performance-optimal Distributed Transactions [SIGMOD 24]
- Chardonnay: Fast and General Datacenter Transactions for On-Disk Databases [OSDI 23]
- Opportunities for optimism in contended main-memory multicore transactions [VLDB 22]
- Unifying Timestamp with Transaction Ordering for MVCC with Decentralized Scalar Timestamp [NSDI 21]
- Knock Out 2PC with Practicality Intact: a High-performance and General Distributed Transaction Protocol [ICDE 23]
- Lion: Minimizing Distributed Transactions through Adaptive Replica Provision [ICDE 24]
- Robust and Transferable Log-based Anomaly Detection [SIGMOD 23]
- Detecting Isolation Bugs via Transaction Oracle Construction [ ICSE 23]
- Adaptive Performance Anomaly Detection for Online Service Systems via Pattern Sketching [ICSE 22]
- IsoVista: Black-box Checking Database Isolation Guarantees [VLDB 24]
- DBPA: A Benchmark for Transactional Database Performance Anomalies [SIGMOD 23]
- Scientific benchmarking of parallel computing systems: twelve ways to tell the masses when reporting performance results [SC 15]
- VeriBench: Analyzing the Performance of Database Systems with Verifiability [VLDB 22]
- CDSBen: Benchmarking the Performance of Storage Services in Cloud-native Database System at ByteDance [VLDB 23]
- Leopard: A Black-Box Approach for Efficiently Verifying Various Isolation Levels [ICDE 23]
- DB-MAGS: Multi-Anomaly Data Generation System for Transactional Databases [VLDB 24]
- Race Directed Random Testing of Concurrent Programs [PLDI 08]
- Sound and Efficient Concurrency Bug Prediction [ESEC/FSE 21]
- How are distributed bugs diagnosed and fixed through system logs? [Information and Software Technology 20]
- Demystifying and Checking Silent Semantic Violations in Large Distributed Systems [OSDI 22]
- Automatic Reliability Testing for Cluster Management Controllers [OSDI 22]
- R^3: Record-Replay-Retroaction for Database-Backed Applications [VLDB 23]
- LST-Meter: Benchmarking Log-Structured Tables in the Cloud [SIGMOD 24]
- Detecting Transactional Bugs in Database Engines via Graph-Based Oracle Construction [OSDI 23]
- Differentially testing database transactions for fun and profit [ISSTA 22]
- Ozz: identifying kernel out-of-order concurrency bugs with In-vivo memory access reordering [SOSP 24]
- Krace: Data Race Fuzzing for Kernel File Systems [SP 20]
- DynSQL: Stateful Fuzzing for Database Management Systems with Complex and Valid SQL Query Generation [Security 23]
- Griffin : Grammar-Free DBMS Fuzzing [ASE 22]
- Unicorn: detect runtime errors in time-series databases with hybrid input synthesis [ISSTA 23]
- PINOLO: Detecting Logical Bugs in Database Management Systems with Approximate Query Synthesis [ATC 23]
- The Use of Likely Invariants as Feedback for Fuzzers [SEC 21]
- Semantic fuzzing with zest [ISSTA 19]
- SQLaser: detecting DBMS logic bugs with clause-guided fuzzing preprint
- Blackbox fuzzing of distributed systems with multi-dimensional inputs and symmetry-based feedback pruning [NDSS 25]
- Detecting logic bugs in database engines via equivalent expression transformation [OSDI 24]
- Detecting metadata-related logic bugs in database systems via raw database construction [VLDB 24]
- Keep it simple: testing databases via differential query plans [SIGMOD 24]
- Detecting optimization bugs in database engines via non-optimizing reference engine construction [FSE 20]
- Testing Database Engines via Query Plan Guidance [ICSE 23]
- Testing Database Engines via Pivoted Query Synthesis [OSDI 20]
- Detecting Optimization Bugs in Database Engines via Non-Optimizing Reference Engine Construction [FSE 20]
- When Amnesia Strikes: Understanding and Reproducing Data Loss Bugs with Fault Injection [VLDB 24]
- Efficient Reproduction of Fault-Induced Failures in Distributed Systems with Feedback-Driven Fault Injection [SOSP 24]
- Understanding and Reusing Test Suites Across Database Systems [SIGMOD 24]
- BALANCE: Bayesian Linear Attribution for Root Cause Localization [SIGMOD 23]
- Towards Effective Bug Triage with Software Data Reduction Techniques [TKDE 15]
- Relational Debugging --- Pinpointing Root Causes of Performance Problems [OSDI 23]
- Effective fault localization and context‐aware debugging for concurrent programs [Softw Test Verif Reliab 22]
- Fault Localization with Code Coverage Representation Learning [ICSE 21]