- Make sure you have the authentication to the private repos behavior_tree and behavior_tree_msgs.
- Clone these repos in same workspace:
cd ${YOUR_WORKSPACE}/catkin_ws/src
git clone git@github.com:ARG-NCTU/behavior_tree.git
git clone git@github.com:ARG-NCTU/behavior_tree_msgs.git
- And also clone this repo:
git clone git@github.com:ARG-NCTU/behavior_tree_generation.git
- Build before you run it.
cd ${YOUR_WORKSPACE}/catkin_ws
catkin_build -w ${YOUR_WORKSPACE}/catkin_ws
There are several params in behavior_tree_generation/launch/behavior_tree_generation.launch:
- <api_key>: An unique code that identifies your requests to the open API.
- <trigger_rosparam>(default: /LLM_generation_finished): This param define the name of a specified rosparam to trigger behavior tree node if generation is finished.
- <model_name>(default: text-davinci-003): The large language model you what to choose.(You can see the available models here)
And behavior_tree/launch/behavior_tree.launch also needs the follwing params:
- <wait_for_generation>(default: false): A special param, define whether behavior need to wait tree config provided by LLM-generation.
- <trigger_rosparam>(default: /LLM_generation_finished): This param define the name of a specified rosparam to trigger behavior tree node if param <wait_for_generation> is True.
- :The config file for behavior tree node to read.
- First, start behavior_tree_generation.launch:
roslaunch behavior_tree_generation behavior_tree_generation.launch api_key:=${YOUR_API_KEY} trigger_rosparam:="/LLM_generation_finished" model_name:="text-davinci-003"
- Second, start behavior_tree.launch:
roslaunch behavior_tree behavior_tree.launch wait_for_generation:="true" trigger_rosparam:="/LLM_generation_finished" tree:="drone_latching/LLM_generated.tree"
- Third, start behavior_tree_rqt.launch:
roslaunch behavior_tree behavior_tree_rqt.launch
As the user interface shown, there are one varient input:
- Task description(key in the requirements you need)
And four primitive prompts that can direct enable/disable via the select buttons left hand side:(you can see the full context here)
- Environment descriptions
- Robot sensing abilities
- Source behavior trees
- Existing sub trees
You can also view the details and edit primitive prompts by using the "view detail and edit" buttons right hand side:
Click the "Submit" button to start generate behavior tree.
The detailed demostration can refer this video: watch demo video in youtube