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OpenCTI Exporter

A Prometheus exporter for OpenCTI.

This exporter uses gocti to retrieve some metrics from OpenCTI.


The exporter check whether the OpenCTI instance is reachable, and retrieves the timestamps of the last created and updated observables. The goal is to identify a possible ingestion issue if there has not been a creation or update of observables for some time. If any issue occurs fetching the last created or updated observable, the metric opencti_up will be 0 even if OpenCTI health check is successful.

# HELP opencti_last_created_timestamp_seconds Timestamp of the last creation in OpenCTI by entity type.
# TYPE opencti_last_created_timestamp_seconds gauge
opencti_last_created_timestamp_seconds{entity_type="Hostname"} 1.73693012e+09
# HELP opencti_last_updated_timestamp_seconds Timestamp of the last update in OpenCTI by entity type.
# TYPE opencti_last_updated_timestamp_seconds gauge
opencti_last_updated_timestamp_seconds{entity_type="StixFile"} 1.736930175e+09
# HELP opencti_up Wether OpenCTI is up.
# TYPE opencti_up gauge
opencti_up 1


Port PORT string 10031 Port to run the HTTP server on
LogLevel LOG_LEVEL slog.Level info Which log level to log at
OpenctiURL OPENCTI_URL string http://opencti:8080 OpenCTI URL to connect to
OpenctiToken OPENCTI_TOKEN string OpenCTI token to use
MetricsSubsystem METRICS_SUBSYSTEM string The Prometheus subsystem for the metrics
MetricsPath METRICS_PATH string /metrics The path to access the metrics