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Symfony UX Table with search, filter and sorting options.

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WeDevelop UX Table

EXPERIMENTAL: This package is still under development, everything is subject to change.


UX Table is a Data Table designed to work well with Symfony UX Turbo and Stimulus (part of Symfony Encore). This package aims to utilize the beautiful simplicity of Hypermedia-Driven Application (HDA) architecture.

This package contains building blocks to create a completely flexible data table. More specifically, it helps generate forms (with hidden inputs) and links that retain the state of your UX table.

The pros of this method:

  • Full control over your template
  • No javascript (even works with javascript disabled)
  • No serialization


Symfony UX Turbo

Make sure Symfony UX Turbo is installed and setup. We heavily rely on this functionality to make this a nice user experience.


composer require wedevelopnl/ux-table

With Symfony Flex

You should be able to just get started.

Without Symfony Flex

  1. npm i -D vendor/wedevelopnl/ux-table/assets
  2. Add to bundles.php
    WeDevelop\UXTable\WeDevelopUXTableBundle::class => ['all' => true],
  3. Add to assets/controllers.json
        "controllers": {
            "@wedevelopnl/ux-table": {
                "ux-table": {
                    "enabled": true,
                    "fetch": "eager"
        "entrypoints": []

Getting started

Create a form

First we create a new Form which extends WeDevelop\UXTable\Table\AbstractTable


namespace App\UXTable;

use Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\SearchType;
use Symfony\Component\Form\FormBuilderInterface;
use Symfony\Component\OptionsResolver\OptionsResolver;
use WeDevelop\UXTable\Table\AbstractTable;

final class ProjectsTable extends AbstractTable
    public function getName(): string
        return 'projects';

    protected function buildFilterForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options): void
            ->add('name', SearchType::class, [
                'attr' => $this->stimulusSearchAttributes(),
                'required' => false,

    protected function configureOptions(OptionsResolver $resolver): void

            'data_class' => \App\Entity\Project::class,
            'sortable_fields' => ['name'],

This is a basic data table which adds a filter for the name field.

Create a controller action

    #[Route('/projects', name: 'app_project_list')]
    public function listAction(Request $request, ProjectsTable $projectsTable): Response

        return $this->render(
            ['projectsTable' => $projectsTable]


{# Optional optimization #}
{% extends app.request.headers.has('turbo-frame') ? 'empty.html.twig' : 'page.html.twig' %}

{% block main %}

    <twig:UXTable:Table :table="projectsTable">
                    <twig:UXTable:SortLink :table="projectsTable" title="Name" field="name" />
                    <twig:UXTable:Filter :table="projectsTable" filter="name" />
            {% for project in projectsTable.results %}
                    <td>{{ }}</td>
                    <td><a href="{{ path('app_project_view', {projectId:}) }}" data-turbo-frame="_top">View</a>
            {% endfor %}

        Page size
        {{ form_widget(projectsTable.formView.pageSize) }}

        {{ knp_pagination_render(projectsTable.results) }}
{% endblock %}

There's a few important things here.

{% extends app.request.headers.has('turbo-frame') ? 'empty.html.twig' : 'page.html.twig' %}

This makes it so that when we're navigating within a Turbo Frame, we make sure not to render the entire layout, for performance's sake.

<twig:UXTable:Table :table="projectsTable">

We use the UX Table Twig Component , it's a very slim component that makes sure everything is wrapped in a stimulus controller, turbo frame and form tags

<twig:UXTable:SortLink :table="projectsTable" title="Name" field="name" />

Here we utilize the SortLink Twig Component to generate a link that retains the query parameters that contain the state of the UX Table.

<twig:UXTable:Filter :table="projectsTable" filter="name" />

Here we utilize the Filter Twig Component to show the form field for that filter.

Data Providers

By default, this package relies on the DoctrineORMProvider provided to automatically query the database.

If you want to use custom hydration you can configure a hydrator for the DoctrineORMProvider:

protected function configureOptions(OptionsResolver $resolver): void

        'data_class' => \App\Entity\Project::class,
        'hydrator' => function (array $project) {
            return new \App\ReadModel\Project($project['id'], $project['name']);
        'sortable_fields' => ['name'],

You can also create your own DataProvider by creating a class that implements the WeDevelop\UXTable\DataProvider\DataProviderInterface.

final class ProjectsProvider implements DataProviderInterface
    public function __construct(
        private readonly ApiClient $api,
        private readonly PaginatorInterface $paginator,
    ) {

    public function search(
        array $filters = [],
        array $sort = [],
        int $page = 1,
        int $pageSize = 50,
        array $options = []
    ): PaginationInterface {
        $status = $options['status'];

        $projects = $this->api->getProjects($status, $filters, $sort, $page, $pageSize);

        return $this->paginator->paginate($projects, $page, $pageSize, [PaginatorInterface::PAGE_OUT_OF_RANGE => PaginatorInterface::PAGE_OUT_OF_RANGE_THROW_EXCEPTION]);

    public function configureOptions(OptionsResolver $resolver): void

Here we also define a status option which can be passes to the process function:

$projectsTable->process($request, options: ['status' => 'active']);


Symfony UX Table with search, filter and sorting options.






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