- Version 4.0.0
- Author: Nick Baker (nick@webtechnick.com)
- Website: http://www.webtechnick.com
- GIT: git@github.com:webtechnick/CakePHP-Paypal-IPN-Plugin.git
CakePHP 2.x
Note: CakePHP 1.3 use the cakephp1.3 branch
- 1.0: Initial release
- 1.1: Added cleaner routes
- 2.0: Helper added
- 2.1: Added cake schema install script
- 2.2: Added paypal unsubscribe type
- 2.2.1: Bug fix with subscription issues
- 2.2.2: Fixed validation issues with paypal button in strict doctype
- 3.0: Added new basic Paypal IPN email capabality.
- 3.5 Added checkout feature for multiple items paypal button. Documentation bellow
- 3.5.1: Renamed columns option_name_1 and option_name_2 to option_name1 and option_name2 respectively
- 3.5.2: Updating to latest conventions in CakePHP 1.3, no longer requires Auth, all cart items will be reviewable in paypal_items table
- 3.6.0: Adding View Cart button option
- 4.0.0: CakePHP 2.x ready.
Copy plugin into your
directory -
Load the plugin in
Run the schema to create the required tables.
$ cake schema create --plugin PaypalIpn
Add the following into your /app/Config/Routes.php file (optional):
/* Paypal IPN plugin */ Router::connect('/paypal_ipn/process', array('plugin' => 'paypal_ipn', 'controller' => 'instant_payment_notifications', 'action' => 'process')); /* Optional Route, but nice for administration */ Router::connect('/paypal_ipn/:action/*', array('admin' => 'true', 'plugin' => 'paypal_ipn', 'controller' => 'instant_payment_notifications', 'action' => 'index')); /* End Paypal IPN plugin */
- I suggest you start a sandbox account at https://developer.paypal.com
- Enable IPN in your account.
- Make sure you're logged in as an Administrator via the Auth component.
- Navigate to
Paypal Button Helper: (optional) if you plan on using the paypal helper for your PayNow or Subscribe Buttons
with your paypal information -
to your helpers list inAppController.php
public $helpers = array('Html','Form','PaypalIpn.Paypal');
$this->Paypal->button(String tittle, Options array);
$this->Paypal->button('Pay Now', array('amount' => '12.00', 'item_name' => 'test item'));
$this->Paypal->button('Subscribe', array('type' => 'subscribe', 'amount' => '60.00', 'term' => 'month', 'period' => '2'));
$this->Paypal->button('Donate', array('type' => 'donate', 'amount' => '60.00'));
$this->Paypal->button('Add To Cart', array('type' => 'addtocart', 'amount' => '15.00'));
$this->Paypal->button('View Cart', array('type' => 'viewcart', 'amount' => '15.00'));
$this->Paypal->button('Unsubscribe', array('type' => 'unsubscribe'));
$this->Paypal->button('Checkout', array(
'type' => 'cart',
'items' => array(
array('item_name' => 'Item 1', 'amount' => '120', 'quantity' => 2, 'item_number' => '1234'),
array('item_name' => 'Item 2', 'amount' => '50'),
array('item_name' => 'Item 3', 'amount' => '80', 'quantity' => 3),
//Test Example
$this->Paypal->button('Pay Now', array('test' => true, 'amount' => '12.00', 'item_name' => 'test item'));
Instead of the Paypal Helper you can use your custom buttons but make sure to set notify_url to your configured route.
<form action="https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="notify_url" value="http://www.yoursite.com/paypal_ipn/process" />
It is generally recommened to use the paypal helper as it will generate everything for you based on your configurations
Create a function in your app/Controller/AppController.php
like so:
function afterPaypalNotification($txnId){
//Here is where you can implement code to apply the transaction to your app.
//for example, you could now mark an order as paid, a subscription, or give the user premium access.
//retrieve the transaction using the txnId passed and apply whatever logic your site needs.
$transaction = ClassRegistry::init('PaypalIpn.InstantPaymentNotification')->findById($txnId);
$this->log($transaction['InstantPaymentNotification']['id'], 'paypal');
//Tip: be sure to check the payment_status is complete because failure
// are also saved to your database for review.
if ($transaction['InstantPaymentNotification']['payment_status'] == 'Completed') {
//Yay! We have monies!
} else {
//Oh no, better look at this transaction to determine what to do; like email a decline letter.
Utility method to send basic emails based on a paypal IPN transaction.
This method is very basic, if you need something more complicated I suggest
creating your own method in the afterPaypalNotification function you build
in the app_controller.php
$IPN = ClassRegistry::init('PaypalIpn.InstantPaymentNotification');
$IPN->id = '4aeca923-4f4c-49ec-a3af-73d3405bef47';
$IPN->email('Thank you for your transaction!');
//OR passed in as an array of options
'id' => '4aeca923-4f4c-49ec-a3af-73d3405bef47',
'subject' => 'Donation Complete!',
'message' => 'Thank you for your donation!',
'sendAs' => 'text'
Hint: use this in your afterPaypalNotification callback in your AppController.php
function afterPaypalNotification($txnId){
'id' => $txnId,
'subject' => 'Thanks!',
'message' => 'Thank you for the transaction!'
- id: id of instant payment notification to base email off of
- subject: subject of email (default: Thank you for your paypal transaction)
- sendAs: html | text (default: html)
- to: email address to send email to (default: ipn payer_email)
- from: from email address (default: ipn business)
- cc: array of email addresses to carbon copy to (default: array())
- bcc: array of email addresses to blind carbon copy to (default: array())
- layout: layout of email to send (default: default)
- template: template of email to send (default: null)
- log: boolean true | false if you'd like to log the email being sent. (default: true)
- message: actual body of message to be sent (default: null)