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@alexander-akait alexander-akait released this 15 Jul 02:27
· 193 commits to master since this release

6.0.0 (2021-07-14)


  • using ~ is deprecated when the esModules option is enabled (enabled by default) and can be removed from your code (we recommend it) (url(~package/image.png) -> url(package/image.png), @import url(~package/style.css) -> @import url(package/style.css), composes: import from '~package/one.css'; -> composes: import from 'package/one.css';), but we still support it for historical reasons. Why can you remove it? The loader will first try to resolve @import/url()/etc as relative, if it cannot be resolved, the loader will try to resolve @import/url()/etc inside node_modules or modules directories.
  • file-loader and url-loader are deprecated, please migrate on asset modules, since v6 css-loader is generating new URL(...) syntax, it enables by default built-in assets modules, i.e. type: 'asset' for all url()


  • minimum supported Node.js version is 12.13.0
  • minimum supported webpack version is 5, we recommend to update to the latest version for better performance
  • for url and import options Function type was removed in favor Object type with the filter property, i.e. before { url: () => true }, now { url: { filter: () => true } } and before { import: () => true }, now { import: { filter: () => true } }
  • the modules.compileType option was removed in favor the modules.mode option with icss value, also the modules option can have icss string value
  • new URL() syntax used for url(), only when the esModules option is enabled (enabled by default), it means you can bundle CSS for libraries
  • data URI are handling in url(), it means you can register loaders for them, example
  • aliases with false value for url() now generate empty data URI (i.e. data:0,), only when the esModules option is enabled (enabled by default)
  • [ext] placeholder don't need . (dot) before for the localIdentName option, i.e. please change .[ext] on [ext] (no dot before)
  • [folder] placeholder was removed without replacement for the localIdentName option, please use a custom function if you need complex logic
  • [emoji] placeholder was removed without replacement for the localIdentName option, please use a custom function if you need complex logic
  • the localIdentHashPrefix was removed in favor the localIdentHashSalt option


  • supported resolve.byDependency.css resolve options for @import
  • supported resolve.byDependency.icss resolve CSS modules and ICSS imports (i.e. composes/etc)
  • added modules.localIdentHashFunction, modules.localIdentHashDigest, modules.localIdentHashDigestLength options for better class hashing controlling
  • less dependencies

Bug Fixes

  • better performance
  • fixed circular @import