Kitchen Sink is a developer friendly sample implementation of Webex client SDK and showcases all SDK features.
This application is built with Vistual Studio 2017 and requires:
- .NET Framework 4.5.2 or higher version
- Win8 or Win10
- Open KitchenSink.sln, build KitchenSink-WPF project. The project will download "Cisco.Webex.WindowsSDK" NuGet package at first time of building.
- The build output path is at \binary...
- Run KitchenSink.exe.
- You can get the installer of this application. Get the current release
- setup.exe is the installer program, you can run it and install it by construction.
Below is the features of this demo.
- Login and Logout: This feature demonstrate OAuth and JSON Web Token authenticate method.
- Video and audio setup: This feature demonstrate preview camera, select audio/video IO device such as microphone, speaker, camera, and set audio/video/share bandwidth.
- Initiate call: This feature demonstrate call out by one on one call and room call.
- Waiting call: This feature demonstrate incoming call.
- Message: This feature demonstrate post a message to a person or a room, and receive a message.
- Manage Room: This feature demonstrate add/delete a room, and add/delte/list room memberships.
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See LICENSE for details.