Description: This website is created by Sawitree Kalakul and Carlos Teixeira. It is our first project at Wild Code School. We created this in order to practice collarboration in Git/GitHub.
- Create a website that gives the feedback from students who joined the front-end developer course at Wild Code School
- Encourage people to learn and know more about front-end development
- Give people who love coding a platform to connect with students from Wild Code School
Home Page: index.html
- css: contains stying code in css;
- img: contains images and videos;
- js: contains files realted to JavaScript;
- node_modules: contain libraries that node.js needs to comply .scss files into style.css;
- projects: contains sub folders of projects that we created during the course;
- sass: contains scss code for the website;
In sass folder:
- _animation: contains code for animations;
- _base: contain basic code that is utilized by the whole website; Ex. Font size of texts, Universal settings;
- _components: contain code for buttons and links;
- _layout: contain code for flexbox for the whole website;
- _main: links every pages in sass folder to gether;
- _mixins: contains mixins;
- _navigation: contain scss code for a navigation button;
- _utilities: contain scss code for utilities ex. u-center-text;
- _variables: contain variables ex. color variables;
- pages folder contain scss code specifically for each page ex. code for home, sawi, carlos, etc.;