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Continuation-passing style JSON decoder in Elm

This packages helps you writing JSON decoders in a Continuation-passing style. This enables you to use named bindings for field names which is very useful when decoding JSON objects to Elm records or custom types.


Let's say you have a Person record in Elm with the following requirements:

type alias Person =
    { id : Int -- Field is mandatory, decoder should fail if field is missing in the JSON object
    , name : String -- Field is mandatory
    , maybeWeight : Maybe Int -- Field is optional in the JSON object
    , likes : Int -- Should default to 0 if JSON field is missing or null
    , hardcoded : String -- Should be hardcoded to "Hardcoded Value" for now

The approach suggested by the core JSON library is to use the Json.Decode.mapN family of decoders to build a record.

import Json.Decode as Decode exposing (Decoder)

person : Decoder Person
person =
    Decode.map5 Person
        (Decode.field "id"
        (Decode.field "name" Decode.string)
        (Decode.maybe <| Decode.field "weight"
        (Decode.field "likes"
            |> Decode.maybe
            |> (Maybe.withDefault 0)
        (Decode.succeed "Hardcoded Value")

Using this package you can write the same decoder like this:

import Json.Decode as Decode exposing (Decoder)
import Json.Decode.Field as Field

person : Decoder Person
person =
    Field.require "name" Decode.string <| \name ->
    Field.require "id" <| \id ->
    Field.optional "weight" <| \maybeWeight ->
    Field.attempt "likes" <| \maybeLikes ->

        { name = name
        , id = id
        , maybeWeight = maybeWeight
        , likes = Maybe.withDefault 0 maybeLikes
        , hardcoded = "Hardcoded Value"

The main advantages over using mapN are:

  • Record field order does not matter. Named bindings are used instead of field order. You can change the order of the fields in the type declaration (type alias Person ...) without breaking the decoder.
  • Easier to see how the record is connected to the JSON object - especially when there are many fields. Sometimes the JSON fields have different names than your Elm record.
  • Easier to add fields down the line.
  • With the mapN approach, if all fields of the record are of the same type and you mess up the field order, you won't get any compiler error. Things will appear OK but field values will be transposed. Since this package uses named bindings it is much easier to get things right.
  • Sometimes fields needs futher validation / processing. See below examples.
  • If you have more than 8 fields in your object you can't use the Json.Decode.mapN approach since map8 is the largest map function.


Combine fields

In this example the JSON object contains both firstname and lastname, but the Elm record only has name.


    "firstname": "John",
    "lastname": "Doe",
    "age": 42


type alias Person =
    { name : String
    , age : Int
person : Decoder Person
person =
    Field.require "firstname" Decode.string <| \firstname ->
    Field.require "lastname" Decode.string <| \lastname ->
    Field.require "age" <| \age ->
        { name = firstname ++ " " ++ lastname
        , age = age

Nested JSON objects

Using requireAt or attemptAt lets you reach down into nested objects. This is a common use case when decoding graphQL responses.


    "id": 321,
    "title": "About JSON decoders",
    "author": {
        "id": 123,
        "name": "John Doe",
    "content": "..."


type alias BlogPost =
    { title : String
    , author : String
    , content : String
blogpost : Decoder BlogPost
blogpost =
    Field.require "title" Decode.string <| \title ->
    Field.requireAt ["author", "name"] Decode.string <| \authorName ->
    Field.require "content" Decode.string <| \content ->
        { title = title
        , author = authorName
        , content = content

Fail decoder if values are invalid

Here the decoder should fail if the person is younger than 18 yers old.


    "name": "John Doe",
    "age": 42


type alias Person =
    { name : String
    , age : Int
person : Decoder Person
person =
    Field.require "name" Decode.string <| \name ->
    Field.require "age" <| \age ->

    if age < 18 then "You must be an adult"
            { name = name
            , age = age

Decode custom types

You can also use this package to build decoders for custom types.


    "name": "John Doe",
    "id": 42


type User
    = Anonymous
    | Registered Int String

user : Decoder User
user =
    Field.attempt "id" <| \maybeID ->
    Field.attempt "name" Decode.string <| \maybeName ->

    case (maybeID, maybeName) of
        (Just id, Just name) ->
            Registered id name
                |> Decode.succeed
        _ ->
            Decode.succeed Anonymous

How does this work?

The following documentation assumes you are familiar with the following functions:

  1. Json.Decode.field
  3. Json.Decode.andThen
  4. Function application operator (<|)

You can read more about those in this guide by Richard Feldman.

Consider this simple example:

import Json.Decode as Decode exposing (Decoder)

type alias User =
    { id : Int
    , name : String

user : Decoder User
user =
    Decode.map2 User
        (Decode.field "id"
        (Decode.field "name" Decode.string)

Here, map2 from elm/json is used to decode a JSON object to a record. The record constructor function is used (User : Int -> String -> User) to build the record. This means that the order in which fields are written in the type declaration matters. For example, if you change the order of fields id and name in yor record, you must also change the order of the two (Decode.field ...) rows to match the order of the record.

To use named bindings instead you can use Json.Decode.andThen write a decoder like this:

user : Decoder User
user =
    Decode.field "id"
        |> Decode.andThen
            (\id ->
                Decode.field "name" Decode.string
                    |> Decode.andThen
                        (\name ->
                                { id = id
                                , name = name

Now this looks ridiculous, but one thing is interesting: The record is constructed using named variables (in the innermost function).

The fields are decoded one at the time with each decoded value being bound in turn to a continuation function using andThen. The innermost function has access to all the named argument variables from the outer scopes.

The above code can be improved by using the helper function require. Here is the same decoder expressed in a cleaner way:

module Json.Decode.Field exposing (require)

require : String -> Decoder a -> (a -> Decoder b) -> Decoder b
require fieldName valueDecoder continuation =
    Decode.field fieldName valueDecoder
        |> Decode.andThen continuation

-- In User.elm
module User exposing (user)

import Json.Decode.Field as Field

user : Decoder User
user =
    Field.require "id"
        (\id ->
            Field.require "name" Decode.string
                (\name ->
                        { id = id
                        , name = name

Nice: we got rid of some andThen noise.

Now let's format the code in a more readable way:

user : Decoder User
user =
    Field.require "id" (\id ->
    Field.require "name" Decode.string (\name ->

        { id = id
        , name = name

We can also eliminate the parenthesis by using the backwards function application operator (<|).

user : Decoder User
user =
    Field.require "id" <| \id ->
    Field.require "name" Decode.string <| \name ->

        { id = id
        , name = name

This reads quite nicely. It's like two paragraphs.

  • In the first paragraph we extract everything we need from the JSON object and bind each value to a variable. Keeping the field decoder and the variable on the same row makes it easy to read.
  • In the second paragraph we build the actual Elm type using all the collected values.

It kind of maps to natural language:

require a Field called "id" and Decode an int, bind the result to id
require a Field called "name" and Decode a string, bind the result to name

The Decode will succeed with {id = id, name = name}

This way of formatting the code kind of resembles the do notation syntax found in Haskell or Pure Script.

user : Decoder User
user = do
    id <- Field.require "id"
    name <- Field.require "name" Decode.string

        { id = id
        , name = name