deBridge — cross-chain interoperability and liquidity transfer protocol that allows the truly decentralized transfer of data and assets between various blockchains. deBridge protocol is an infrastructure platform and a hooking service which aims to become a standard for:
- cross-chain composability of smart contracts
- cross-chain swaps
- bridging of any arbitrary asset
- interoperability and bridging of NFTs
More information about the project can be also found in the documentation portal
UI deployed on
The contracts' directory contains the following subfolders:
interfaces/ - contains interfaces of the project contracts
libraries/ - libraries created for the project
mock/ - contracts for tests
periphery/ - periphery contracts
transfers/ - related to core cross-chain functionality
The detailed methods' description can be found in the contracts themselves or in the documentation.
Proxy to execute the other contract calls. This contract is used when a user requests transfer with specific call of other contract.
ERC20 token that is used as wrapped asset to represent the native token value on the other chains.
This contract implements a proxy that gets the implementation address for each call from DeBridgeTokenDeployer. It's deployed by DeBridgeTokenDeployer. Implementation is DeBridgeToken.
Helper to withdraw fees from DeBridgeGate and transfer them to a treasury.
Contract for assets transfers. The user can transfer the asset to any of the approved chains. The admin manages the assets, fees and other important protocol parameters.
Deploys a deToken(DeBridgeTokenProxy) for an asset.
The base contract for oracles management. Allows adding/removing oracles, managing the minimal required amount of confirmations.
It's used to verify that a transfer is signed by oracles.
Upgradable contracts cannot receive ether via transfer
because of increased SLOAD gas cost.
We use this non-upgradeable contract as the recipient and then immediately transfer to an upgradable contract.
More details about this issue can be found
Create a .env file with the content below (all are default values from ganache)
MNEMONIC="cactus require cushion flavor mobile behave pole time wasp silk moon correct"
INFURA_ID=xxx # Change to your infura id
then run yarn test
yarn docs
hardhat clean
Warning: before running it for the first time you need to do hardhat clean, otherwise TypeChain will think that there is no need to generate any typings. This is because this plugin will attempt to do incremental generation and generate typings only for changed contracts. You should also do hardhat clean if you change any TypeChain related config option.
Add ETHERSCAN_API_KEY variable to your .env file before running npx hardhat verify ...