Time | Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 |
Module_1 | Peer Portfolio Feedback | IBM Cloud Native | Course Review | Holiday (Thanksgiving) | Holiday (Thanksgiving) |
Module_2 | Guest Speaker - Technical Interviewing | IBM Cloud Native | Productivity, Continual Learning, etc | Holiday (Thanksgiving) | Holiday (Thanksgiving) |
Module_3 | Debugging | Imposter Syndrome | Begin Final Projects | Holiday (Thanksgiving) | Holiday (Thanksgiving) |
Module_4 | Portfolio Work Time | Technical Interview Prep | Begin Final Projects | Holiday (Thanksgiving) | Holiday (Thanksgiving) |
Training | - | - | - | - | - |
Time | Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 |
Module_1 | Intro to Python - Basic Syntax | Intro to Algorithms / Big-O Notation | Outcomes | Blog #3 Presentations | DJANGO self-learning or lab |
Module_2 | Prep: Interviewing, Networking, etc | Bubble Sort, Merge Sort, and Binary Search | Open-Source Search with Allie Zadrozny | Interview Practice | DJANGO self-learning or lab |
Module_3 | Python - Practice Exercies | Intro to SQL | Python - Classes | Python - Class Inheritance | Sexism in Tech |
Module_4 | Interview - Questions Practice | SQL, Carmen San Diego, and You! | Python - Classes | Ethics of Programming | Final Project Approvals |
Training | Python Challenges | Finish SQL Carmen San Diego && BLOGS!! | Python Deck Of Cards and 3rd blog post | Portfolios! | Amy Cuddy "Your Body Language Shapes Who You Are" |
Time | Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 |
Module_1 | Code Wars | React Code Challenge | Outcomes | UX Lesson with Shari | UX Collaboration |
Module_2 | Firebase Auth | React Native | Interview Practice | JIGSAW Front-End Framework Research | UX Collaboration |
Module_3 | Firebase Auth Lab | React Native Workshop | Coast Guard GAR Lab | JIGSAW Front-End Framework Research | Immersive Improv |
Module_4 | Firebase Auth Lab | - | Coast Guard GAR Lab | Project 02 Announced | Project 02 |
Training | Install React Native | Happy Halloween! | UX Reading | Project 02 planning | Project 02 |
Time | Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 |
Module_1 | ES6 | Calculator CSS | Outcomes | Blog Post #2 Presentations | Week 7 Surveys |
Module_2 | React Part I | Concrete Calculator | React + APIs (Chuck Norris Jokes) | React Component Lifecycle | GA Cards Against Assembly Lab |
Module_3 | React Part II | React Practice (TVmaze App) | React Router (Dentist Website) | Firebase Workshop (React review/componentization) | - |
Module_4 | React Blog Exercise | TVmaze Components | - | Firebase Workshop (adding Firebase/logic) | - |
Training | React Calculator Components | React Stopwatch | Blog Post #2 | React ATM | - |
Time | Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 |
Module_1 | (GA holiday) | Custom API Show and Tell | Outcomes | Image Formats && Compression | Project 01 Intro |
Module_2 | (GA holiday) | Auth Basics | Review/Reflection & Interview Q Practice | OAuth with Express/Passport | Project 01 |
Module_3 | (GA holiday) | Local Auth with Express | Review Express Server Code Structure | OAuth with Express/Passport | Project 01 |
Module_4 | (GA holiday) | Local Auth with Express | Review Express Server Code Structure | OAuth with Express/Passport | Project 01 |
Training | - | Step 6 of Custom API Lab | Finish Interview Q Practice | ATX Startup Crawl (networking) | Project 01 |
Time | Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 |
Module_1 | Image Compression | HW Review (Emergency Compliment w/ and w/o Express) | Outcomes | Blog Presentations | Heroku Deployment & Custom API Lab |
Module_2 | Intro to Node/Express | Intro to MongoDB + Mongoose | Data Associations with Mongoose | REST API Design | Custom API Lab |
Module_3 | Express Routing, Params & EJS | Mongoose | Books App (Sprint 2) | Code-along: Food Tracker API | Custom API Lab |
Module_4 | - | Mongoose Methods | Books App (Sprint 3) | Code-along: Food Tracker API | Custom API Lab |
Training | Emergency Compliment | Books App (Sprint 1) | Finish Blog #1 | Entity Mapping / Planning for Custom API Lab | - |
Time | Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 |
Module_1 | Unit 1 Project | jQuery | Outcomes | CSS Mini-Challenge (Button) | Week 3 Survey |
Module_2 | Intro to jQuery | Intro to AJAX | Pair Programming and Geoquakes Lab | Object Oriented Programming | Reddit Lab |
Module_3 | Unit 1 Project | Giffaw Lab | Geoquakes Lab | OOP (Deck of Cards) | Reddit Lab |
Module_4 | Unit 1 Project (Tic Tac Toe) - Presentations | Giffaw Lab | Geoquakes Lab | OOP (Deck of Cards) | Reddit Lab |
Training | jQuery Events Training | Weather App | Collaborative Coding Reflections | GA Alumni Happy Hour | - |
Time | Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 |
Module_1 | Week 1 Review | - | Outcomes | HW Review | Unit 1 Project |
Module_2 | JS Data Types | JS Functions | JS Objects | DOM Manipulation | Unit 1 Project |
Module_3 | JS Control Flow | Functions Training | JS Objects Training | DOM Events | Unit 1 Project |
Module_4 | JS Control Flow Training | JS Callbacks | JS Objects Training and ES6 Syntax | jQuery | Friday Stand Up! |
Training | JS Adventure | Finish Functions Training | Deck of Cards | Imgur Takeover | Continue Unit 1 Project |
Time | Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 |
Module_1 | Introductions | Intro to Blogs | Outcomes | HW Review && Begin Portfolio | SASS |
Module_2 | Icebreakers && Installfest | Git | Intro to HTML | Flexbox | Workshop - Advanced CSS Lab |
Module_3 | Command Line Interface | GitHub | Intro to CSS | Responsive Web Design | Front End Lab && 1-on-1's |
Module_4 | How the Internet Works | Git Drills | HTML/CSS Lab | Bootstrap | Friday Stand Up! |
Training | CLI Golf | Git/GitHub Reading | Finish HTML/CSS Lab | Flexbox News | Finish CSS Lab from Class |
- 10/9 Christopher Columbus Day (No Class)
- 11/23 - 11/24 Thanksgiving Break
- 12/1 Final Presentations + Last Day of Class!
- Outcomes will be with Nicole every Wednesday from 9-10:30am in classroom 1 on floor 14
- Outcomes Programming Syllabus
- The format is informal: the instructors are "on duty" to help with homework or anything that you may have questions about in general from class. You are strongly encouraged to use these times to also work with fellow students on assignments and projects!
- Tuesday 5-6:15pm In-person office hours with Britney Jo
- Thursday 7:30-9pm Remote office hours with Chris
- You have been invited to the following Slack teams:
- GA Immersive Students
- GA ATX Alumni - Austin WDI Alumni (You will be invited at end of course)
- For informal communication that doesn't need to be private, use the
room. - If you need to talk to the instructors privately, use the Slack rooms we're creating for you with both of the instructors in it. Please don't Slack or email the instructors individually as this creates information asymmetry.
- For jokes, memes, and all manner of nonsense, use the
room. Keep in mind that the Code of Conduct still applies. Absolutely have fun, but don't do anything that would get in the way of making this a positive learning environment for everyone.
: Backticks (the top-left of the keyboard on a Mac) makes text show up in a monospace font. Great for code.- Code blocks are made with three backticks:
``` The backticks MUST be on a line by themselves! ```
- You can specify the language directly after the backticks to have colors show up on github
```javascript var words = ["hello", "what", "is", "up", "dude"]; ```
- These same backtick tricks also work on GitHub and Slack.
: Sends a message to everyone currently online in a Slack room- Please refrain from using
unless it is absolutely necessary.
The best way to contact your instructors is by using the private Slack channel created with you and both Instructional Leads.
Chris Johnson
Britney Jo Ludkowski
- britneyjo@generalassemb.ly
- @britneyjo
Sara Miller
- sara.miller@generalassemb.ly
- @sara.miller
Nicole Umphress
- nicole.hartig@generalassemb.ly
- @nicoleumphress