Version: 1.0
Date: 26 August 2010
License: MIT License or GNU General Public License (GPL) Version 2
Example at:
This plugin sends ajax requests to the server at configurable intervals to keep a PHP session from expiring.
Requires jQuery v1.4; there are no other dependencies.
jQuery.keepalive is started automatically when the plug-in is included a page.
$.keepalive.configure( config )
where config is an object containing keepalive options.
$.keepalive.stop() // stop the keepalive interval timer
$.keepalive.start( config ) // start the keepalive interval timer
where config is an optional object containing keepalive options.
$.keepalive.toggleDisplay() // toggle the keepalive status display
the status display is appended to the body element
$.keepalive.options.url (string) [ "php/keepalive.php" ]
The URL to assign to the $.ajax() URL property
$.keepalive.options.dataObject (object) [ { id:"keepalive" } ]
An object to be assigned to the $.ajax() data property
$.keepalive.options.interval (integer) [ 300000 ]
The interval between requests to the server in milliseconds (default: 5-minutes)
$.keepalive.options.timeout (integer) [ 20000 ]
An integer to be assigned to the $.ajax() timeout property
$.keepalive.options.errorCallback (function()) [ null ]
A function that will be called when the keepalive $.ajax() request returns an
$.keepalive.options.successCallback (function()) [ null ]
A function that will be called after each successful keepalive $.ajax() request.
$.keepalive.configure( config )
Sets keepalive options where config is an object containing new options that
will act as default values for subsequent ajax requests.
Stop the keepalive interval timer.
Start the keepalive interval timer.
Toggles the keepalive status display. The display is appended to the body