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Scheduled monthly dependency update for September #117

merged 15 commits into from
Sep 1, 2017


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@pyup-bot pyup-bot commented Sep 1, 2017


Here's a list of all the updates bundled in this pull request. I've added some links to make it easier for you to find all the information you need.

boto3 1.4.4 » 1.4.7 PyPI | Changelog | Repo
boto 2.47.0 » 2.48.0 PyPI | Changelog | Repo
django-storages 1.6.3 » 1.6.5 PyPI | Changelog | Repo
django-anymail 0.10 » 0.11.1 PyPI | Changelog | Repo
django 1.11.2 » 1.11.4 PyPI | Changelog | Homepage
django-environ 0.4.3 » 0.4.4 PyPI | Changelog | Repo
Pillow 4.1.1 » 4.2.1 PyPI | Changelog | Homepage
django-allauth 0.32.0 » 0.33.0 PyPI | Changelog | Repo
psycopg2 2.7.1 » PyPI | Changelog | Homepage
django-teryt-tree 0.12.1 » 0.14.0 PyPI | Changelog | Repo
django-atom 0.14.3 » 0.15.3 PyPI | Changelog | Repo
python-dateutil 2.6.0 » 2.6.1 PyPI | Changelog | Docs
Sphinx 1.6.2 » 1.6.3 PyPI | Changelog | Homepage
django-extensions 1.8.0 » 1.9.0 PyPI | Changelog | Repo | Docs
factory-boy 2.8.1 » 2.9.2 PyPI | Changelog | Repo


boto3 1.4.4 -> 1.4.7



  • enhancement:botocore: Raised minor version dependency for botocore



  • enhancement:Logging: Switch log levels from INFO to DEBUG (1208 <>__)



  • enhancement:s3: Add a LifecycleConfiguration resource to resolve issues with the existing Lifecycle resource.

boto 2.47.0 -> 2.48.0



📅 2017/06/29

This release addresses a few S3 related bugs as well as a bug with the recent
endpoint heuristics feature.


  • Fix generate_url() AttributeError when using anonymous connections (:issue:3734, :sha:83481807)
  • Use RegionInfo by default with heuristics (:issue:3737, :sha:0a9b1140)
  • Allow specifying s3 host from boto config file. (:issue:3738, :sha:dcfc7512)

django-storages 1.6.3 -> 1.6.5


  • Fix Django 1.11 regression with gzipped content being saved twice
    resulting in empty files (367, 371, 373_)
  • Fix the mtime when gzipping content on S3Boto3Storage (374_)

.. _367: jschneier/django-storages#367
.. _371: jschneier/django-storages#371
.. _373: jschneier/django-storages#373
.. _374: jschneier/django-storages#374


  • Files uploaded with GoogleCloudStorage will now set their appropriate mimetype (320_)
  • Fix DropBoxStorage.url to work. (357_)
  • Fix S3Boto3Storage when AWS_PRELOAD_METADATA = True (366_)
  • Fix S3Boto3Storage uploading file-like objects without names (195, 368)
  • S3Boto3Storage is now threadsafe - a separate session is created on a
    per-thread basis (268, 358)

.. _320: jschneier/django-storages#320
.. _357: jschneier/django-storages#357
.. _366: jschneier/django-storages#366
.. _195: jschneier/django-storages#195
.. _368: jschneier/django-storages#368
.. _268: jschneier/django-storages#268
.. _358: jschneier/django-storages#358

django-anymail 0.10 -> 0.11.1


  • Mailjet: Correct settings docs.


New features

  • New ESP: Mailjet. Thanks to Lekensteyn and calvin. (Docs)

Other changes

  • In webhook handlers, AnymailTrackingEvent.metadata now defaults to {}, and .tags defaults to [], if the ESP does not supply these fields with the event. (See 67.)

django 1.11.2 -> 1.11.4



August 1, 2017

Django 1.11.4 fixes several bugs in 1.11.3.


  • Fixed a regression in 1.11.3 on Python 2 where non-ASCII format values
    for date/time widgets results in an empty value in the widget's HTML
  • Fixed QuerySet.union() and difference() when combining with
    a queryset raising EmptyResultSet (:ticket:28378).
  • Fixed a regression in pickling of LazyObject on Python 2 when the wrapped
    object doesn't have __reduce__() (:ticket:28389).
  • Fixed crash in runserver's autoreload with Python 2 on Windows with
    non-str environment variables (:ticket:28174).
  • Corrected Field.has_changed() to return False for disabled form
    fields: BooleanField, MultipleChoiceField, MultiValueField,
    FileField, ModelChoiceField, and ModelMultipleChoiceField.
  • Fixed QuerySet.count() for union(), difference(), and
    intersection() queries. (:ticket:28399).
  • Fixed ClearableFileInput rendering as a subwidget of MultiWidget
    (:ticket:28414). Custom clearable_file_input.html widget templates
    will need to adapt for the fact that context values
    checkbox_name, checkbox_id, is_initial, input_text,
    initial_text, and clear_checkbox_label are now attributes of
    widget rather than appearing in the top-level context.
  • Fixed queryset crash when using a GenericRelation to a proxy model




July 1, 2017

Django 1.11.3 fixes several bugs in 1.11.2.


  • Removed an incorrect deprecation warning about a missing renderer
    argument if a Widget.render() method accepts **kwargs
  • Fixed a regression causing Model.__init__() to crash if a field has an
    instance only descriptor (:ticket:28269).
  • Fixed an incorrect DisallowedModelAdminLookup exception when using
    a nested reverse relation in list_filter (:ticket:28262).
  • Fixed admin's FieldListFilter.get_queryset() crash on invalid input
  • Fixed invalid HTML for a required AdminFileWidget (:ticket:28278).
  • Fixed model initialization to set the name of class-based model indexes
    for models that only inherit models.Model (:ticket:28282).
  • Fixed crash in admin's inlines when a model has an inherited non-editable
    primary key (:ticket:27967).
  • Fixed QuerySet.union(), intersection(), and difference() when
    combining with an EmptyQuerySet (:ticket:28293).
  • Prevented Paginator’s unordered object list warning from evaluating a
    QuerySet (:ticket:28284).
  • Fixed the value of redirect_field_name in LoginView’s template
    context. It's now an empty string (as it is for the original function-based
    login() view) if the corresponding parameter isn't sent in a request (in
    particular, when the login page is accessed directly) (:ticket:28229).
  • Prevented attribute values in the django/forms/widgets/attrs.html
    template from being localized so that numeric attributes (e.g. max and
    min) of NumberInput work correctly (:ticket:28303).
  • Removed casting of the option value to a string in the template context of
    the CheckboxSelectMultiple, NullBooleanSelect, RadioSelect,
    SelectMultiple, and Select widgets (:ticket:28176). In Django
    1.11.1, casting was added in Python to avoid localization of numeric values
    in Django templates, but this made some use cases more difficult. Casting is
    now done in the template using the |stringformat:'s' filter.
  • Prevented a primary key alteration from adding a foreign key constraint if
    db_constraint=False (:ticket:28298).
  • Fixed UnboundLocalError crash in RenameField with nonexistent field
  • Fixed a regression preventing a model field's limit_choices_to from being
    evaluated when a ModelForm is instantiated (:ticket:28345).


django-environ 0.4.3 -> 0.4.4


Pillow 4.1.1 -> 4.2.1


  • CI: Fix version specification and test on CI for PyPy/Windows 2608


  • Doc: Clarified documentation 2604
  • CI: Amazon Linux and Centos6 docker images added to TravisCI 2585

  • Image.alpha_composite added 2595

  • Complex Text Support 2576
    [ShamsaHamed, Fahad-Alsaidi, wiredfool]

  • Added threshold parameter to ImageDraw.floodfill 2599

  • Added dBATCH parameter to ghostscript command 2588
  • JPEG: Adjust buffer size when icc_profile > MAXBLOCK 2596
  • Specify Pillow Version in one place 2517

  • CI: Change the owner of the TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR, fixing broken docker runs 2587

  • Fix truncated PNG loading for some images, Fix memory leak on truncated PNG images. 2541, 2598

  • Add decompression bomb check to Image.crop 2410

  • ImageFile: Ensure that the err_code variable is initialized in case of exception. 2363

  • Tiff: Support append_images for saving multipage TIFFs 2406

  • Doc: Clarify that draft is only implemented for JPEG and PCD 2409
  • Test: MicImagePlugin 2447
  • Use round() instead of floor() to eliminate zero coefficients in resample 2558
  • Remove deprecated code 2549

  • Added append_images to PDF saving 2526

  • Remove unused function core image function new_array 2548

  • Remove unnecessary calls to dict.keys() 2551

  • Add more tests and remove unused Draw.c code 2533

  • Test: More tests for ImageMorph 2554
  • Test: McIDAS area file 2552
  • Update Feature Detection 2520
  • CI: Update pypy on TravisCI 2573
  • ImageMorph: Fix wrong expected size of MRLs read from disk 2561
  • Docs: Update install docs for FreeBSD 2546
  • Build: Ignore OpenJpeg 1.5 on FreeBSD 2544
  • Remove 'not yet implemented' methods from PIL 1.1.4 2538

  • Dependencies: Update FreeType to 2.8, LibTIFF to 4.0.8 and libimagequant to 2.9.1 2535 2537 2540

  • Raise TypeError and not also UnboundLocalError in ImageFile.Parser() 2525
  • Test: Use Codecov for coverage 2528
  • Use PNG for 2527
    [HinTak, wiredfool]
  • Remove WITH_DEBUG compilation flag 2522
  • Fix return value on parameter parse error in _webp.c 2521
  • Set executable flag on scripts with shebang line 2295
  • Flake8 2460
  • Doc: Release Process Changes 2516
  • CI: Added region for s3 deployment on appveyor 2515
  • Doc: Updated references to point to existing files 2507
  • Return copy on Image crop if crop dimensions match the image 2471
  • Test: Optimize CI speed 2464, 2466

django-allauth 0.32.0 -> 0.33.0


Note worthy changes

  • Security: password reset tokens are now prevented from being leaked through
    the password reset URL.
  • New providers: Patreon, Authentiq, Dataporten.
  • Dropbox has been upgraded to API V2.
  • New translation: Norwegian.

Backwards incompatible changes

  • Dropped support for Django 1.9.

psycopg2 2.7.1 ->


  • Dropped libresolv from wheel package to avoid incompatibility with
    glibc 2.26 (wheels ticket 2)



  • Restored default :sql:timestamptz[] typecasting to Python !datetime.
    Regression introduced in Psycopg 2.7.2 (:ticket:578).



  • Fixed inconsistent state in externally closed connections
    (:tickets:263, 311, 443). Was fixed in 2.6.2 but not included in
    2.7 by mistake.
  • Fixed Python exceptions propagation in green callback (:ticket:410).
  • Don't display the password in connection.dsn when the connection
    string is specified as an URI (:ticket:528).
  • Return objects with timezone parsing "infinity" :sql:timestamptz
  • Dropped dependency on VC9 runtime on Windows binary packages
  • Fixed segfault in ~connection.lobject() when mode=\ !None
  • Fixed ~connection.lobject() keyword argument lobject_factory
  • Fixed ~psycopg2.extras.ReplicationCursor.consume_stream()
    keepalive_interval argument (:ticket:547).
  • Maybe fixed random import error on Python 3.6 in multiprocess
    environment (:ticket:550).
  • Fixed random !SystemError upon receiving abort signal (:ticket:551).
  • Accept ~psycopg2.sql.Composable objects in
  • Parse intervals returned as microseconds from Redshift (:ticket:558).
  • Added ~psycopg2.extras.Json !prepare() method to consider connection
    params when adapting (:ticket:562).
  • ~psycopg2.errorcodes map updated to PostgreSQL 10 beta 1.

django-teryt-tree 0.12.1 -> 0.14.0


  • Fix update of SIMC registry
  • Fix compatibility of teryt_tree.est_framework_ext.viewsets.JednostkaAdministracyjnaFilter
  • Add new format od TERC export


  • Temporary drom SIMCSerializer


  • Fix django-filters compatibility in dal_ext.


  • Improve import performacne
  • Fix path of *.xml files (use on-premise TravisCI-cached copy)
  • Add support to SIMC database

django-atom 0.14.3 -> 0.15.3



  • Add management command generate_factory, generate_routers, generate_serializers, generate_viewsets, generate_viewsets_tests
  • Add serializer atom.ext.contenttypes.ContentTypeSerializer , atom.ext.sites.serializer.SiteSerializer
  • Add mixin atom.ext.rest_framework.ViewSetTestCaseMixin

python-dateutil 2.6.0 -> 2.6.1


  • Updated zoneinfo file to 2017b. (gh pr 395)
  • Added Python 3.6 to CI testing (gh pr 365)
  • Removed duplicate test name that was preventing a test from being run.
    Reported and fixed by jdufresne (gh pr 371)
  • Fixed testing of folds and gaps, particularly on Windows (gh pr 392)
  • Fixed deprecated escape characters in regular expressions. Reported by
    nascheme and thierryba (gh issue 361), fixed by thierryba (gh pr 358)
  • Many PEP8 style violations and other code smells were fixed by jdufresne
    (gh prs 358, 363, 364, 366, 367, 368, 372, 374, 379, 380, 398)
  • Improved performance of tzutc and tzoffset objects. (gh pr 391)
  • Fixed issue with several time zone classes around DST transitions in any
    zones with +0 standard offset (e.g. Europe/London) (gh issue 321, pr 390)
  • Fixed issue with fuzzy parsing where tokens similar to AM/PM that are in the
    end skipped were dropped in the fuzzy_with_tokens list. Reported and fixed
    by jbrockmendel (gh pr 332).
  • Fixed issue with parsing dates of the form X m YY. Reported by jbrockmendel.
    (gh issue 333, pr 393)
  • Added support for parser weekdays with less than 3 characters. Reported by
    arcadefoam (gh issue 343), fixed by jonemo (gh pr 382)
  • Fixed issue with the addition and subtraction of certain relativedeltas.
    Reported and fixed by kootenpv (gh issue 346, pr 347)
  • Fixed issue where the COUNT parameter of rrules was ignored if 0. Fixed by
    mshenfield (gh pr 330), reported by vaultah (gh issue 329).
  • Updated documentation to include the new tz methods. (gh pr 324)
  • Update documentation to reflect that the parser can raise TypeError, reported
    and fixed by tomchuk (gh issue 336, pr 337)
  • Fixed an incorrect year in a parser doctest. Fixed by xlotlu (gh pr 357)
  • Moved version information into and set up the versions more

Sphinx 1.6.2 -> 1.6.3



Features added

  • latex: hint that code-block continues on next page (refs: 3764, 3792)

Bugs fixed

  • 3821: Failed to import sphinx.util.compat with docutils-0.14rc1
  • 3829: sphinx-quickstart template is incomplete regarding use of alabaster
  • 3772: 'str object' has no attribute 'filename'
  • Emit wrong warnings if citation label includes hyphens (refs: 3565)
  • 3858: Some warnings are not colored when using --color option
  • 3775: Remove unwanted whitespace in default template
  • 3835: sphinx.ext.imgmath fails to convert SVG images if project directory
    name contains spaces
  • 3850: Fix color handling in make mode's help command
  • 3865: use of self.env.warn in sphinx extension fails
  • 3824: production lists apply smart quotes transform since Sphinx 1.6.1
  • latex: fix \sphinxbfcode swallows initial space of argument
  • 3878: Quotes in auto-documented class attributes should be straight quotes
    in PDF output
  • 3881: LaTeX figure floated to next page sometimes leaves extra vertical
  • 3885: duplicated footnotes raises IndexError
  • 3873: Failure of deprecation warning mechanism of
  • 3874: Bogus warnings for "citation not referenced" for cross-file citations
  • 3860: Don't download images when builders not supported images
  • 3860: Remote image URIs without filename break builders not supported remote
  • 3833: command line messages are translated unintentionally with language
  • 3840: make checking epub_uid strict
  • 3851, 3706: Fix about box drawing characters for PDF output
  • 3900: autosummary could not find methods
  • 3902: Emit error if latex_documents contains non-unicode string in py2

django-extensions 1.8.0 -> 1.9.0


The change to --no-startup/--use-pythonrc in shell_plus changes the
default behaviour to automatically load PYTHONSTARTUP and ~/
unless --no-startup is set.


  • Fix: pipchecker, fix up-to-date check for Github sha commits
  • Fix: JSONField, fix handling to_python() for strings with tests
  • Fix: print_settings, fix print_settings to receive positional args
  • Improvement: shell_plus, update PYTHONSTARTUP / pythonrc handling to match Django
  • Improvement: shell_plus, added new 1.11 features from django.db.models to shell_plus import list
  • Improvement: runserver_plus, startup message now accounts for https
  • Docs: jobs, improve documentation about jobs scheduling
  • Docs: admin, add documentation for ForeignKeyAutocompleteStackedInline and ForeignKeyAutocompleteTabularInline
  • Docs: fix typos



  • Build: use tox's 'TOXENV' environment variable
  • Fix: resetdb, fix problem that 'utf8_support' option is ignored
  • Improvement: export_emails, moved custom csv UnicodeWriter (for py2) into
  • Translations: pt, removed since it was causing issues with the builds
    if anybody wants to update and fix it that would be
    much appreciated !

factory-boy 2.8.1 -> 2.9.2



  • Fix declaration corruption bug when a factory defined foo__bar__baz=1 and a caller
    provided a foo__bar=x parameter at call time: this got merged into the factory's base




This version brings massive changes to the core engine, thus reducing the number of
corner cases and weird behaviourrs.


  • :issue:275: factory.fuzzy and factory.faker now use the same random seed.
  • Add :class:factory.Maybe, which chooses among two possible declarations based
    on another field's value (powers the :class:~factory.Trait feature).
  • :class:~factory.PostGenerationMethodCall only allows to pass one positional argument; use keyword arguments for
    extra parameters.


  • factory.fuzzy.get_random_state is deprecated, factory.random.get_random_state should be used instead.
  • factory.fuzzy.set_random_state is deprecated, factory.random.set_random_state should be used instead.
  • factory.fuzzy.reseed_random is deprecated, factory.random.reseed_random should be used instead.

That's it for now!

Happy merging! 🤖

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Coverage Status

Coverage remained the same at 82.541% when pulling 9fdd67c on pyup-scheduled-update-09-01-2017 into 662138c on master.

@ad-m ad-m merged commit ea1a5c5 into master Sep 1, 2017
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3 participants