The layer between platform depended window/view/surface handle and GFX context. For example OpenGL context can be created via nativeHandleForGL()
depending on type()
and nativeResource()
when necessary.
- A wrapper for platform dependent handle: macOS NSView, iOS UIView, android jni Surface object, win32 HWND
- Internally created handle: win32, x11, gbm, wayland, rpi dispmanx
It's an abstract class implements threaded rendering loop with any number of PlatformSurface
A derived class only need to implement how to manage GFX context for a given surface, for example, create/destroy/active/swap OpenGL context.
Do your rendering jobs in RenderLoop
- platform surface wrapper around more native handle types: wayland, xlib, xcb, gbm
- internal created handles: macOS
License: MPL version 2.0. You can freely use it in your commercial or opensource software.
Wang Bin, wbsecg1 at, 2017~2020