The PHP Analyzer performs static analysis on your source code to help you find errors and bugs, and also has built-in heuristics to automatically fix some of them.
Learn more in the documentation.
Please note that PHP Analyzer itself needs a PHP 5.4 runtime; this requirement only applies to the system that is running PHP Analyzer, not the code that is analyzed.
PHPAnalyzer can be installed via composer very easily:
composer create-project scrutinizer/php-analyzer:dev-master
PHPAnalyzer can also be embedded in an existing project:
"repositories": [
"type": "vcs",
"url": ""
"require-dev": {
"scrutinizer/php-analyzer": "*@dev",
"scrutinizer/utils": "*@dev",
"jms/php-manipulator": "*@dev",
"nikic/php-parser": "*@dev"
php bin/phpalizer run some-dir
The CLI is especially useful to analyze smaller libraries, or for testing purposes.