Implementation for the following Waku v2 protocols
DB persistence with SQLite:
Store messages (to serve them when running a storenode)
Peers (to reconnect when restarting a node)
SQL Migrations to upgrade a node's database in future releases
Websockets and secure websockets support
Domain name support
Discovery of peers via EIP-1459 or DiscV5
Support to custom implementation of Rendezvous protocol for discovery
Allows specifying a retention policy for the maximum number and days a message can be persisted
CLI application to run a Waku v2 node:
Supports the implemented Waku v2 protocols
Can be executed with docker, or installed using a .deb/.rpm package.
Access to OpenCensus metrics
JSON RPC server with debug
, relay
, store,
, admin
and private
APIs from 16/WAKU2-RPC available
Structured logging
Language bindings (for use as a library)
Gomobile bindings for running go-waku on iOS/Android devices
Dynamic and static C library using the 36/WAKU2-BINDINGS-API
Documentation on usage and test units
Basic relay and filter applications
Toy chat
Kotlin and Swift bindings example
C application showcasing the usage of the C libraries
C# example application
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