Adds syntax highlighting and snippets to Haskell files in Atom.
- Haskell (*.hs)
- Literate Haskell (*.lhs)
- Cabal (*.cabal)
Based on Haskell TextMate bundle.
If you don't like current auto-indentation settings, you can define your own regexp in config.cson
(Edit -> Open Your Config), or disable it altogether, e.g.
To disable auto-indent:
increaseIndentPattern: ''
Note that regexp expression is using oniguruma for parsing, and it needs to be a string, not a javascript regexp. You'll also have to escape \
By default, increaseIndentPattern
has the following value:
increaseIndentPattern: '(((=|\\bdo|\\bwhere|\\bthen|\\belse|\\bof)\\s*)|(\\bif(?!.*\\bthen\\b.*\\belse\\b.*).*))$'
Copyright © 2015 Atom-Haskell
- Ian D. Bollinger
- Jared Roesch
- Jesse Cooke
- Matthew Griffith
- mdgriffith
- Michael Rawson
- Nikolay Yakimov
- Ross Ogilvie
- samuela
See the for details.