This application is a shop system which was developed as a school project. It demonstrates a modern web application which can be accessed in a browser and downloaded as a PWA.
For the backend Django with a REST-Api was used. This API was created with the package 'django-rest-framework' and makes the application usable with just http(s) requests.
The REST-API was created by utilizing the django-rest-framework ModelSerializer, which creates API-routes for all CRUD-Operations and cusomizing them to provide special usecases.
For easier conifguration the Django-Admin-Interface is also accessible at http:localhost:8000/admin/.
We used a SQLite database for the application because it doesn't need a separat server for running the database and we don't need special user roles for accessing the database.
For the frontend React in combination with tailwindcss was used. React also provides a service-worker, which makes it possible to download the application as a PWA (progressive web app).
The styling of the application was inspired by this blog post: Hype 4 Academy
Setup virtual environment and dependencies
$ cd backend/
$ python3 -m venv venv
$ source venv/bin/activate
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ python migrate
Start local development server
$ python runserver
Install Node dependencies
$ cd frontend
$ npm install
Run local development server
$ npm start