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reading functionality for Matrix devices
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jhmigueles committed Jan 23, 2025
1 parent aa5eadf commit 608d1ce
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Showing 9 changed files with 459 additions and 2 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion DESCRIPTION
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ URL:
License: Apache License (== 2.0)
Suggests: testthat
Imports: matlab, bitops, Rcpp (>= 0.12.10), data.table, readxl, jsonlite
Imports: matlab, bitops, Rcpp (>= 0.12.10), data.table, readxl, jsonlite, digest
Depends: stats, utils, R (>= 3.5.0)
NeedsCompilation: yes
LinkingTo: Rcpp
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion NAMESPACE
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ export(readGenea, readAxivity, readGENEActiv,
readActiGraphCount, readActiwatchCount,
readActicalCount, readPHBCount,
readFitbit, mergePHBdata,
mergeFitbitData, readMatrix)
useDynLib(GGIRread, .registration = TRUE)
importFrom(Rcpp, sourceCpp)
importFrom(data.table, fread)
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5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,3 +1,8 @@
# Changes in version 1.0.3 (release date:X-X-2025)

- Add functions for reading Parmay Tech Matrix sensor (bin files) with accelerometer, gyroscope, temperature, and heart rate #70.

# Changes in version 1.0.2 (release date:25-10-2024)

- Added a `` file to track changes to the package.
Expand Down
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions R/RcppExports.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,6 +9,10 @@ GENEActivReader <- function(filename, start = 0L, end = 0L, progress_bar = FALSE
.Call(`_GGIRread_GENEActivReader`, filename, start, end, progress_bar)

find_matrix_packet_start <- function(data, pattern) {
.Call(`_GGIRread_find_matrix_packet_start`, data, pattern)

resample <- function(raw, rawTime, time, stop, type = 1L) {
.Call(`_GGIRread_resample`, raw, rawTime, time, stop, type)
Expand Down
300 changes: 300 additions & 0 deletions R/readMatrix.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,300 @@
readMatrix = function(bin_file, return = c("all", "sf", "dynrange")[1],
start = 1, end = NULL,
desiredtz = "", configtz = NULL,
interpolationType = 1) {

# Matrix devices binary files are organized in packets of data.

# The header information contains:
# - remarks (empty in all files I have tested): bytes 1:512
# - Count of the total number of packetss in file (bytes 513:516)
# - header string = "MDTC" (bytes 517:520, if not there -> file corrupt)
# - range of the acc (bytes 521:522) and the gyro sensors (bytes 523:524)

# Each packet contains the following information:
# - 8-byte package header
# - 4-byte CRC32 indicator
# - 4-byte start timestamp of the packet
# - 4-byte end timestamp of the packet
# - 4-byte accelerometer recordings in packet (a)
# - 4-byte gyroscope recordings in packet (g)
# - 4-byte temperature recordings in packet (t)
# - 4-byte heart rate recordings in packet (h)
# - (6*a)-byte accelerometer recordings
# - (6*a)-byte gyroscope recordings
# - (4*a)-byte temperature recordings
# - (4*a)-byte heart rate recordings

# Notes:
# - Packet lengths vary with the number of recordings in each packet, so dynamic definition of the length of each packet is needed
# - Sampling frequency is not stable, similar to axivity, similar approach is followed (checksum and interpolation)
# - Gaps in data are not expected

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# 1 - read file and extract header information

# Read the binary file
bin_data = readBin(bin_file, "raw",$size)

# Validate the header recognition string (bytes 513:516)
header_bytes = bin_data[513:516]
header_string = rawToChar(header_bytes[header_bytes != 0], multiple = FALSE)
if (header_string != "MDTC") {
stop("Invalid header recognition string.")

# Extract the total number of packets (bytes 517:520)
total_packets = readBin(bin_data[517:520], "integer", size = 4, endian = "little")

# Validate start and end packets
lastchunk = FALSE
if (is.null(end)) end = total_packets
if (end >= total_packets) {
end = total_packets
lastchunk = TRUE
if (start < 1 || start > end) {
stop("Invalid start or end packet range.")

# acc dynrange (bytes 521:522) and gyro_range (bytes 523:524)
acc_dynrange = readBin(bin_data[521:522], "integer", size = 2, endian = "little")
if (return == "dynrange") return(acc_dynrange)
gyro_range = readBin(bin_data[523:524], "integer", size = 2, endian = "little")

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# 2 - Define packets limits (packets' length is not stable)

# find packets start
packet_header_bytes = as.raw(c(0x4D, 0x44, 0x54, 0x43, 0x50, 0x41, 0x43, 0x4B))
packet_starti = find_matrix_packet_start(bin_data, packet_header_bytes)
packet_endi = c(packet_starti[-1] - 1, length(bin_data))

# validate packet headers (i.e., nr. of appearances of MDTCPACK in files)
if (length(packet_starti) != total_packets) {
stop("Probably corrupted file")

# start time
starttime_indices = (packet_starti[1] + 12):(packet_starti[1] + 15)
starttime = readBin(bin_data[starttime_indices],"integer", size = 4, endian = "little")
if (is.null(configtz)) {
starttime_posix = as.POSIXct(starttime, origin = "1970-1-1", tz = desiredtz)
} else {
starttime_posix = as.POSIXct(starttime, origin = "1970-1-1", tz = configtz)

# Select chunk of interest
packet_starti = packet_starti[start:end]
packet_endi = packet_endi[start:end]

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# 3 - Check packets integrity with CRC32 checksum

# stored CRC32
crc32_stored_indices = unlist(lapply(packet_starti + 8, function(x) seq(x, x + 3)))
crc32_stored_signed = readBin(bin_data[crc32_stored_indices], "integer", size = 4, n = total_packets, endian = "little")
crc32_stored = ifelse(crc32_stored_signed < 0, crc32_stored_signed + 2^32, crc32_stored_signed)

# observed CRC32
crc32_observed_raw = Map(function(start, stop) bin_data[start:stop], packet_starti + 12, packet_endi)
crc32_observed = unlist(lapply(seq_along(packet_starti), function(i) {
digest_crc32 = digest::digest(crc32_observed_raw[[i]],
algo = "crc32", serialize = FALSE)
as.numeric(paste0("0x", unlist(digest_crc32)))

# unmatching CRC32 means corrupt packet (store this infor for later use and log)
corrupt_packets = which(crc32_observed != crc32_stored)

# Initialize Quality-Check (QC) data frame
QClog = data.frame(
checksum_pass = rep(TRUE, length(start:end)),
blockID = start:end,
start = integer(length(start:end)),
end = integer(length(start:end)),
blockLengthSeconds = numeric(length(start:end)),
frequency_set = numeric(length(start:end)),
frequency_observed = numeric(length(start:end)),
imputed = logical(length(start:end)),
gap_with_previous_block_secs = numeric(length(start:end)),
start_time_adjustment_secs = numeric(length(start:end))

# log corrupt packets
if (length(corrupt_packets) > 0) {
QClog$checksum_pass[corrupt_packets] = FALSE
QClog$imputed[corrupt_packets] = TRUE

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# 4 - Process packets' data

# start timestamp
start_timestamp_indices = unlist(lapply(packet_starti + 12, function(x) seq(x, x + 3)))
start_timestamp_raw = matrix(bin_data[start_timestamp_indices], byrow = T, ncol = 4)
# end timestamp
end_timestamp_indices = unlist(lapply(packet_starti + 16, function(x) seq(x, x + 3)))
end_timestamp_raw = matrix(bin_data[end_timestamp_indices], byrow = T, ncol = 4)
# acc n recordings
acc_count_indices = unlist(lapply(packet_starti + 20, function(x) seq(x, x + 3)))
acc_count = readBin(bin_data[acc_count_indices], "integer", size = 4, n = total_packets, endian = "little")
# gyro n recordings
gyro_count_indices = unlist(lapply(packet_starti + 24, function(x) seq(x, x + 3)))
gyro_count = readBin(bin_data[gyro_count_indices], "integer", size = 4, n = total_packets, endian = "little")
# temp n recordings
temp_count_indices = unlist(lapply(packet_starti + 28, function(x) seq(x, x + 3)))
temp_count = readBin(bin_data[temp_count_indices], "integer", size = 4, n = total_packets, endian = "little")
# heart n recordings
heart_count_indices = unlist(lapply(packet_starti + 32, function(x) seq(x, x + 3)))
heart_count = readBin(bin_data[heart_count_indices], "integer", size = 4, n = total_packets, endian = "little")

# Process timestamps and calculate sampling frequency
start_timestamps = apply(start_timestamp_raw, 1, function(x) readBin(x, "integer", size = 4, endian = "little"))
end_timestamps = apply(end_timestamp_raw, 1, function(x) readBin(x, "integer", size = 4, endian = "little"))
sf_acc_observed = acc_count / (end_timestamps - start_timestamps)
sf_acc_p1 = sf_acc_observed[1]
expected_sf = c(12.5, 25, 50, 100)
sf = expected_sf[which.min(abs(expected_sf - sf_acc_p1[1]))]
if (return == "sf") return(sf)

# log set and observed sf in each packet
QClog[, "frequency_set"] = sf
QClog[, "frequency_observed"] = sf_acc_observed

# build data structure lists
# acc
acc_starts = packet_starti + 36; acc_stops = acc_starts + 6*acc_count - 1
acc_data_raw = Map(function(start, stop) bin_data[start:stop], acc_starts, acc_stops)
# gyro
gyro_starts = acc_stops + 1; gyro_stops = gyro_starts + 6*gyro_count - 1
gyro_data_raw = Map(function(start, stop) bin_data[start:stop], gyro_starts, gyro_stops)
# temp
temp_starts = gyro_stops + 1; temp_stops = temp_starts + 4*temp_count - 1
temp_data_raw = Map(function(start, stop) bin_data[start:stop], temp_starts, temp_stops)
# heart
heart_starts = temp_stops + 1; heart_stops = heart_starts + 4*heart_count - 1
heart_data_raw = Map(function(start, stop) bin_data[start:stop], heart_starts, heart_stops)

# Handle between-packets timestamp gaps and corrections
gaps = mapply(function(a, b) a - b, start_timestamps[-1], end_timestamps[-length(end_timestamps)])
lagging_packets = which(gaps >= 1) + 1
if (length(lagging_packets) > 0) {
start_timestamps[lagging_packets] = start_timestamps[lagging_packets] - gaps[lagging_packets - 1]
QClog[lagging_packets, "gap_with_previous_block_secs"] = gaps[lagging_packets - 1]
QClog[lagging_packets, "start_time_adjustment_secs"] = -gaps[lagging_packets - 1]

# as the end timestamp is read as integer (seconds), it needs to be adjusted to the sf
end_timestamps = end_timestamps - 1 / sf
QClog[,"start"] = start_timestamps
QClog[,"end"] = end_timestamps
QClog[,"blockLengthSeconds"] = end_timestamps - start_timestamps

# Block 3 - Process data ---------------------

# Parse remarks (first 512 bytes)
remarks_raw = bin_data[1:512]
remarks = rawToChar(remarks_raw, multiple = F)

# Timestamps (approach by manufacturer, evenly allocate n-recordings timestamps in packet)
packet_t0 = start_timestamps
packet_t1 = end_timestamps
acc_timestamps = unlist(lapply(seq_along(packet_t0), function(i) {
seq(from = packet_t0[i], to = packet_t1[i],
length.out = acc_count[i])
gyro_timestamps = unlist(lapply(seq_along(packet_t0), function(i) {
seq(from = packet_t0[i], to = packet_t1[i],
length.out = gyro_count[i])
temp_timestamps = unlist(lapply(seq_along(packet_t0), function(i) {
seq(from = packet_t0[i], to = packet_t1[i],
length.out = temp_count[i])
heart_timestamps = unlist(lapply(seq_along(packet_t0), function(i) {
seq(from = packet_t0[i], to = packet_t1[i],
length.out = heart_count[i])

# acc sensor data
acc_readings = lapply(seq_along(packet_t0), function(i) {
readings = readBin(acc_data_raw[[i]], "integer", size = 2, n = acc_count[i] * 3, endian = "little")
readings * (acc_dynrange / 32767)
if (length(corrupt_packets) > 0) {
for (i in corrupt_packets) {
acc_readings[[i]] = rep(c(0,0,1), length(acc_readings[[i]]) / 3)
acc_data = matrix(unlist(acc_readings), ncol = 3, byrow = T)

# gyro sensor data
gyro_readings = lapply(seq_along(packet_t0), function(i) {
readings = readBin(gyro_data_raw[[i]], "integer", size = 2, n = gyro_count[i] * 3, endian = "little")
readings * (gyro_range / 32767)
if (length(corrupt_packets) > 0) {
for (i in corrupt_packets) {
gyro_readings[[i]] = rep(0, length(gyro_readings[[i]]))
gyro_data = matrix(unlist(gyro_readings), ncol = 3, byrow = T)

# temp sensor data
temp_readings = lapply(seq_along(packet_t0), function(i) {
readings = readBin(temp_data_raw[[i]], "integer", size = 2, n = temp_count[i] * 3, endian = "little")
readings / 10
if (length(corrupt_packets) > 0) {
for (i in corrupt_packets) {
temp_readings[[i]] = rep(NA, length(temp_readings[[i]]))
temp_data = matrix(unlist(temp_readings), ncol = 2, byrow = T)

# heart sensor data
heart_readings = lapply(seq_along(packet_t0), function(i) {
readings = readBin(heart_data_raw[[i]], "integer", size = 2, n = heart_count[i] * 3, endian = "little")
if (length(corrupt_packets) > 0) {
for (i in corrupt_packets) {
heart_readings[[i]] = rep(NA, length(heart_readings[[i]]))
heart_data = matrix(unlist(heart_readings), ncol = 2, byrow = T)

# Resample data to defined sampling frequency
required_timepoints = seq(from = acc_timestamps[1], to = acc_timestamps[length(acc_timestamps)],
by = 1/sf)
acc_resampled = resample(raw = acc_data, rawTime = acc_timestamps,
time = required_timepoints,
stop = nrow(acc_data), type = interpolationType)
gyro_resampled = resample(raw = gyro_data, rawTime = gyro_timestamps,
time = required_timepoints,
stop = nrow(gyro_data), type = interpolationType)
temp_resampled = resample(raw = temp_data, rawTime = temp_timestamps,
time = required_timepoints,
stop = nrow(temp_data), type = interpolationType)
heart_resampled = resample(raw = heart_data, rawTime = heart_timestamps,
time = required_timepoints,
stop = nrow(heart_data), type = interpolationType)

# Return full output
QClog = QClog,
output = data.frame(
time = required_timepoints,
acc_x = acc_resampled[,1], acc_y = acc_resampled[,2], acc_z = acc_resampled[,3],
gyro_x = gyro_resampled[,1], gyro_y = gyro_resampled[,2], gyro_z = gyro_resampled[,3],
bodySurface_temp = temp_resampled[,1], ambient_temp = temp_resampled[,2],
hr_raw = heart_resampled[,1], hr = heart_resampled[,2],
remarks = remarks
sf = sf,
acc_dynrange = acc_dynrange,
starttime = starttime_posix,
lastchunk = lastchunk

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