- #0.m - rust environment setup | macOS
- #0.l - rust environment setup | linux
- #0.w - rust environment setup | windows
- #1.m - rust compiler introduction on macOs | Hello, rust!
- #1.l - rust compiler introduction on linux | Hello, rust!
- #1.w - rust compiler introduction on windows | Hello, rust!
- #2 - rust compiler detailed explanation | Hello, compiler!
- #3 - basic cargo commands | Hello, cargo!
- #4 - vscode and pycharm plugins
- #5 - rustup doc
- #6 - rustup update
- #7 - variables -> variables
- #8 - variable naming conventions
- #9 - print and println macros
- #10 - rust comments -> comments
- #11 - #[allow] attribute -> allow
- #12 - data types | integers
- #13 - number systems | binary -> binary
- #14 - number systems | hexadecimal -> hexadecimal
- #15 - number systems | exponent notation -> exponent
- #16 - arithmetic operators -> arithmetic
- #17 - overflow
- #18 - data types | boolean
- #19 - comparison operators
- #20 - data types | floats
- #21 - data types | chars -> chars
- #22 - type casting operator | as -> as operator
- #23 - compound data types | arrays -> arrays
- #24 - compound data types | tuples -> tuples
- #25 - &str(string literal) and String -> str and string
- #26 - string slices -> string slices
- #27 - raw string literals -> raw string literals
- #28 - scope -> scope
- #29 - shadowing -> shadowing
- #30 - logical operators -> logical
- #31 - bitwise operators -> bitwise
- #32 - compound assignment operators -> compound assignment
- #33 - control flow | if/else -> if/else
- #34 - control flow | match -> match
- #35 - infinite loop -> infinite loop
- #36 - break -> break keyword
- #37 - continue -> continue keyword
- #38 - while loop -> while loop
- #39 - for loop -> for loop
- #40 - variable bindings -> variable bindings
- #41 - functions -> functions
- #42 - returning functions -> returning functions
- #43 - function shadowing -> function shadowing
- #44 - stack and heap
- #45 - ownership -> ownership
- #46 - references and borrowing -> references and borrowing
- #47 - mutable referencing -> mutable_referencing
- #48 - dereferencing -> dereferencing
- #49 - structs -> structs
- #50 - struct update syntax -> struct_update_syntax
- #51 - methods -> methods
- #52 - associated functions -> methods
- #53 - tuple structs -> tuple_structs
- #54 - enums -> enums
- #55 - enum methods -> enum_methods
- #56 - traits -> traits
- #57 - derivable traits -> derivable_traits
- #58 - Debug trait -> debug_trait
- #59 - Default trait -> default_trait
- #60 - Display trait -> display_trait
- #61 - Deref trait -> deref_trait
- #62 - DerefMut trait -> derefmut_trait
- #63 - operator overloading -> operator_overloading
- #64 - Drop trait -> drop_trait
- #65 - generics -> generics
- #66 - generic methods -> generic_methods
- #67 - generic concrete types -> generic_concrete_types
- #68 - turbofish syntax -> turbofish_synrax
- #69 - static dispatch -> static_dispatch
- #70 - dynamic dispatch -> dynamic_dispatch
- #71 - generic functions -> generic_functions
- #72 - generic functions shorthand
- #73 - lifetimes
- #74 - MODULES
- #75 - libraries
- #?? - input
- #?? - const
- #?? - static
- #?? - unsafe {}
- #?? - options
- #?? - results
- #?? - panic!
- #?? - kind error handling
- #?? - unwrap()
- #?? - ? operator
- #?? - expect()
- #?? - if let
- #?? - while let
- #?? - else let
- #?? - new data types collections -vectors -hashmaps -btree
- #?? - closures
- #?? - ITERATOR Fn .iter FnMut .iter_mut() FnOnce .into_iter()
- #?? - COLLECT map filter
- #?? - files
- #?? - smart pointers
- #?? - box
- #?? - CustomBox
- #?? - interior mutability
- #?? - cell
- #?? - refcell
- #?? - mutex
- #?? - rwLock
- #?? - rc
- #?? - threads
- #?? - arc
- #?? - impl trait functions ?
- async channel (sync, send)
- await keyword
- tokio
- #?? - test
- #?? - macros