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Issue the Accessibility Group has raised and looks for a response on.
Group bringing to attention of a11y, or tracked by the a11y Group but not needing response.
Agenda Item
Agenda Item
This item has been added to an agenda
Approved for Merge
Approved for Merge
Consensus to merge. If you have concerns raise them now.
Of interst to the coga taskforce
Core Issue
Core Issue
Definitions and Terminology
Definitions and Terminology
This issue or pull request already exists
Spelling and grammar fixes, typos, and other small changes that do not alter meaning
Future Agenda
Future Agenda
This item will be added to an agenda in the near future
good first issue
good first issue
Good for newcomers
Guideline Group: Clear Meaning
Guideline Group: Clear Meaning
Guideline Group: Control Information
Guideline Group: Control Information
Guideline Group: Expected Behavior
Guideline Group: Expected Behavior
Guideline Group: Figure Captions
Guideline Group: Figure Captions
Guideline Group: Image Alternatives
Guideline Group: Image Alternatives
Guideline Group: Keyboard Focus Appearance
Guideline Group: Keyboard Focus Appearance
Guideline Group: Media Alternatives
Guideline Group: Media Alternatives
Guideline Group: Navigating Content
Guideline Group: Navigating Content
Guideline Group: Nontext Alternatives
Guideline Group: Nontext Alternatives
Guideline Group: Pointer Focus Appearance
Guideline Group: Pointer Focus Appearance
Guideline Group: Simplified Written Content
Guideline Group: Simplified Written Content
Guideline Group: Single Sense
Guideline Group: Single Sense
Guideline Group: Text Appearance
Guideline Group: Text Appearance
Guideline Group: Text-To-Speech
Guideline Group: Text-To-Speech
Guideline organization
Guideline organization
Guideline Subgroups: Distinguishable sections
Guideline Subgroups: Distinguishable sections
Guideline Subgroups: Section headers
Guideline Subgroups: Section headers