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Bruce Bailey edited this page May 3, 2024 · 10 revisions

DRAFT Meeting minutes May 3rd, 2024

Attending (11): Michael Gower, Alastair Campbell, Bruce Bailey, Francis Storr, Giacomo Petri, Avon Kou

Gundula Neiman, Duff Johnson, Dan Bjorge, Scott O'Hara, Theo Hale, Lori Oakley, Filippo Zorzi.

Regrets: , Patrick Lauke


We've resolved about 100 issues, but net count is about the same. Patrick made the good suggestion that we might what to shift to a PR focus. Focus on done versus what is left to do.


More comments in latest draft, no other discussion.

Standing Agenda

  1. Review ‘For discussion’ items
  2. Review ‘Drafted’ items (30 min), either:
    1. move back to In progress, with more work to do
    2. move to Ready for approval, if there is general agreement the issue is sufficiently resolved
    3. leave in Drafted, if discussion was not concluded satisfactorily
  3. Review issues closed and project items closed.
  4. Review ‘To do’.
  5. Time permitting, items of interest to participants, including open discussions.

Review ‘For discussion’ items

Technique G183: expand example 2 to actually illustrate the technique's point #2244 3.3.1 it is a bit circular icons (e.g. caution sign) with alt count as "text". TF members, please take a look.

Review ‘Drafted’ items (30 min), either:

Tweak understanding for 1.2.3 and 1.2.5 #1790 Address a gap that current Understanding does include audio ducking, even though that is not uncommon. There is an accessibility gap when if narration is added only during pauses (in dialog) is not sufficient for the visual information being conveyed. TF consensus was for splitting into one or more additional techniques. Need to check if issue is open on lack of gaps (in dialog) being a failure (or not).

move back to In progress, with more work to do

move to Ready for approval, if there is general agreement the issue is sufficiently resolved

leave in Drafted, if discussion was not concluded satisfactorily

Review ‘To do’.

Time permitting, items of interest to participants, including open discussions.

item 1

item 2

Review ‘Drafted’ items

Ready for WG approval

Left in Drafted

To Do