This GitHub repo is used to manage feedback and bug reports for the W3C website.
We welcome feedback from the community. You can submit feedback or issues via GitHub or email.
Submitted issues are triaged and then actioned by the W3C team.
You can also:
- View existing issues
- Learn more about the W3C website redesign project
Sending feedback via GitHub is preferred, but if you cannot use GitHub please send us an email at All emails are publicly archived.
If you don't already have an account, please sign up to GitHub before submitting an issue.
The new W3C website has been published to
GitHub repo:
The design system contains accessible HTML/CSS templates and components for use when creating W3C websites.
GitHub repo: w3c/w3c-website-templates-bundle
We use Craft CMS to manage content for the main W3C website.
GitHub repo: w3c/w3c-website-craft (this repo is currently private)