This repository contains information related to the tool TestEvol presented in International Conference of Software Engineering, 2013. The tool was originally presented in [this paper] (
This repository is not the original repository for this tool. Here are some links to the original project:
- [The Official Project Page] (
- [A Video of the Tool] (https://youtube/b6J2WAuGj4o)
In this repository, for TestEvol you will find:
- ❌ Source Code (unavailable)
- ✅ The original tool (available)
- ✅ A slightly modified version of the tool Amrita Das got working (available)
This repository was constructed by [Amrita Das] ( under the supervision of Emerson Murphy-Hill. Thanks to Dr. Alessandro Orso, Dr. Leandro Sales Pinto, and Dr. Saurabh Sinha for their help in establishing this repository.