Releases: vrana/adminer
Speed up with disabled output buffering
Allow creating generated columns (bug #857)
Don't autofocus computed fields in insert form
Skip generated columns in multi-edit (bug #882)
MySQL: Display generated value in table structure
MySQL: Drop support for MySQL 4
PostgreSQL: Compute size of all databases (bug #881)
PostgreSQL: Do not alter indexes with expressions
PostgreSQL: Fix export of indexes with expressions (bug #768)
PostgreSQL: Display ENUM types
PostgreSQL: Export ENUM types (bug #587)
PostgreSQL: Display ? instead of -1 rows in table overview (bug #883)
PostgreSQL: Show accessible databases to non-owners (regression from 4.9.1)
PostgreSQL: Skip editing generated columns
PostgreSQL, MS SQL, Oracle: Hide table actions for information_schema
SQLite: Support CHECK constraint
SQLite: Support generated columns
SQLite: Add command Check tables
SQLite: Display all rows of variable values
SQLite: Remove support for SQLite version 2
MS SQL: Support export (bug #480)
MS SQL: Display foreign keys ON UPDATE and ON DELETE
MS SQL: Support computed columns
MS SQL: Fix CSV import (bug #859)
MS SQL: Fix altering foreign key
MS SQL PDO: Support offset
MS SQL: Remove support for MSSQL extension
MS SQL: Add support for PDO_SQLSRV extension
MS SQL: Link help from sys tables
MS SQL: Fix highlighting columns as primary keys
MongoDB: Remove support for deprecated extension mongo
Elasticsearch: Fix text search on boolean fields
Plugins: Adminer code is now in a namespace (script to upgrade plugins)
MySQL: Fix typo in the date type (regression from 4.17.0)
Hide index column options by default
Offer original values in multi-row editing (regression from 4.16.0)
Print SQL errors as comments in export (regression from 3.2.0)
MySQL, PostgreSQL, MS SQL: Support CHECK constraint
MySQL: Show comments at routine call (bug #874)
MySQL: Don't offer empty enum value in edit
MySQL 9+: Support vector type
PostgreSQL: Link user defined types
PostgreSQL: Constraint enum values in editing (bug #270)
PostgreSQL: Export functions
PostgreSQL 8+: Fix exporting table constraints
SQLite: Show all supported pragmas in Variables
MS SQL: Allow altering table in non-default schema (bug #405)
MS SQL: Fix default values (bug #732, bug #733)
MS SQL: Fix length of nvarchar columns
Editor: PDO: Select value of foreign key in edit (bug #847)
Mobile devices: Use device width
Adminer 4.16.0:
MySQL: Fix saving bit(64) values (bug #839)
PostgreSQL: Preserve whitespace in EXPLAIN (bug #827)
PostgreSQL: Support SSL
PostgreSQL: Support altering auto_increment (bug #761)
SQLite: Fix altering forign keys (bug #841)
SQLite: Fix expressions in default values (bug #860)
MS SQL: Foreign keys in non-default schema (bug #833)
Oracle: Include tables granted by other user
MongoDB: Execute commands against the selected DB
Adminer 4.15.0:
Escape unknown field in select
HTTP drivers: Don't allow path in server name
HTTP drivers: Hide connection error message
SimpleDB: Disable XML entity loader
Adminer 4.14.0:
Use autofocus HTML attribute
PostgreSQL: Fix initial value of exported autoincrement
PostgreSQL: Fix renaming a database
Adminer 4.12.0:
Fix SQL query code direction if RTL language is used
MariaDB: Add support for UUID data type
MS SQL, MongoDB: Connect to localhost with default port if server is not specified
MongoDB: Fix parsing WHERE condition from SQL query
Adminer 4.11.0:
MySQL: Fix highlighting current table in menu on macOS
MariaDB: Fix several links to documentation pages
MS SQL: Prefix Unicode strings with 'N' so they are treated correctly
Adminer 4.10.0:
Print username next to the logout button
Do not display empty action links in main menu
Adminer 4.9.4:
Unify displaying of 'New item' action based on privileges
Firefox: Fix opening a database to the new browser's tab with Ctrl+click
Editor: Fix array conversion to string (issue adminneo-org#3).
Editor: Fix building links with array parameters
Adminer 4.9.3:
MySQL, PostgreSQL: Fix queries splitting and string constants
MySQL: Fix where clause for JSON column
MySQL: Do not include unchanged PARTITION BY definition into ALTER TABLE query
MariaDB: Support current_timestamp()
PostgreSQL: Fix editing record that contains a field with GENERATED ALWAYS default value
Adminer 4.9.2:
PostgreSQL: Fix search fields configuration (regression from 4.9.0)
PostgreSQL: Fix exporting CREATE TABLE query with GENERATED default values
PostgreSQL: Fix exporting CREATE TABLE with sequence default value
PostgreSQL: Fix search condition for network address types, add macaddr8 type
Adminer 4.9.1:
Support PHP 8.3
PostgreSQL: Show only accessible databases
Adminer 4.9.0:
Validate connection to server in HTTP based drivers
Elasticsearch 5: Make unusable driver usable again, move it to plugins
Add new Elasticsearch 7 driver
MySQL: Skip dump of generated columns
Adminer 4.8.2:
Support multi-line table comments
MySQL: Use ST_SRID() instead of SRID() for MySQL 8 (PR #418)
PostgreSQL: Don't reset table comments (regression from 4.2.0)
PostgreSQL PDO: Allow editing rows identified by boolean column (PR #380)
Internet Explorer or PDO in Adminer 4.7.8-4.8.0: Fix XSS in doc_link (bug #797)
Fix more PHP 8 warnings (bug #781)
Avoid PHP warnings with PDO drivers (bug #786, regression from 4.7.8)
MySQL: Allow moving views to other DB and renaming DB with views (bug #783)
MariaDB: Do not treat sequences as views (PR #416)
PostgreSQL: Support UPDATE OF triggers (bug #789)
PostgreSQL: Support triggers with more events (OR)
PostgreSQL: Fix parsing of foreign keys with non-ASCII column names
PostgreSQL < 10 PDO: Avoid displaying GENERATED ALWAYS BY IDENTITY everywhere (bug #785, regression from 4.7.9)
SQLite: Fix displayed types (bug #784, regression from 4.8.0)
Support function default values in insert (bug #713)
Allow SQL pseudo-function in insert
Skip date columns for non-date values in search anywhere
Add DB version to comment in export
Support PHP 8 in create table (regression from 4.7.9)
MySQL 8: Fix EXPLAIN in SQL command
PostgreSQL: Create PRIMARY KEY for auto increment columns
PostgreSQL: Avoid exporting empty sequence last value (bug #768)
PostgreSQL: Do not show triggers from other schemas (PR #412)
PostgreSQL: Fix multi-parameter functions in default values (bug #736)
PostgreSQL: Fix displaying NULL bytea fields
PostgreSQL PDO: Do not select NULL function for false values in edit
Oracle: Alter indexes
Oracle: Count tables
Oracle: Import from CSV
Oracle: Fix column size with string type
MongoDB: Handle errors
SimpleDB, Firebird, ClickHouse: Move to plugin
Fix XSS in browsers which don't encode URL parameters (bug #775, regression from 4.7.0)
Elasticsearch, ClickHouse: Do not print response if HTTP code is not 200
Don't syntax highlight during IME composition (bug #747)
Quote values with leading and trailing zeroes in CSV export (bug #777)
Link URLs in SQL command (PR #411)
Fix displayed foreign key columns from other DB (bug #766)
Re-enable PHP warnings (regression from 4.7.8)
MySQL: Do not export names in quotes with sql_mode='ANSI_QUOTES' (bug #749)
MySQL: Avoid error in PHP 8 when connecting to socket (PR #409)
MySQL: Don't quote default value of text fields (bug #779)
PostgreSQL: Export all FKs after all CREATE TABLE (PR #351)
PostgreSQL: Fix dollar-quoted syntax highlighting (bug #738)
PostgreSQL: Do not show view definition from other schema (PR #392)
PostgreSQL: Use bigserial for bigint auto increment (bug #765, regression from 3.0.0)
PostgreSQL PDO: Support PgBouncer, unsupport PostgreSQL < 9.1 (bug #771)
PostgreSQL 10: Support partitioned tables (PR #396)
PostgreSQL 11: Create PRIMARY KEY for auto increment columns
SQLite: Set busy_timeout to 500
MS SQL: Don't truncate comments to 30 chars (PR #376)
Elasticsearch 6: Fix displaying type mapping (PR #402)
MongoDB: Fix password-less check in the mongo extension (PR #405)
Editor: Cast to string when searching (bug #325)
Editor: Avoid trailing dot in export filename