This repository was archived by the owner on Jan 9, 2024. It is now read-only.
Releases: vran-dev/PrettyZoo
Releases · vran-dev/PrettyZoo
- upgrade embedded JAVA version from 17 to 18
- upgrade Jlink plugin
- upgrade gradle to 7.6
- upgrade github set-java action to v3
- bug fix: dialog title not visiable
- feat: support hex style for zxid fields, contribute by @HotSince91
- feat: support ssh secret login
- feat: node tree ui optimize
- feat: support add same server with duplicate url
- feat: ignore toast when version check failed at app start
- new ui design
- new dark mode
- support configure connection timeout
- support configure zookeeper system properties
- support manual check version update
- fix server name not match
- fix config load failed when charset not right
- feature: click node to show details in search list
- feature: support configure properties by
- feature: support release jar zip by
./gradlew app:releaseJarZip
- optimize: reduce memory usage
- optimize: use zgc instead of g1
- fix: json highlight not work in windows when click twice JSON button
- upgrade jdk version to 17
- split ssh-tunnel server input field to server and port
- support hide & show ssh-tunnel password on panel
- feature: add log view panel
- feature: split zookeeper server and port in cofinguration panel
- bug fix: can't connect with ssh-tunnel
- check data conflict before update
- change font slider to Jfonix
- longer session timeout & connect timeout