- Keep 'run_analysis.R' and 'UCI HAR Dataset' - folder in same location. If you don't have 'UCI HAR Dataset' folder download zip file from here. Unzip the file to same location where 'run_analysis.R' file is present.
- Run source('run_analysis.R')
- Output file is 'tidySet.txt' in same folder as R script
Input to script - Folder "UCI HAR Dataset" with all files provided for assigment.
Output of script - "tidySet.txt" file
- I have already uploaded CodeBook in 3 different format (CodeBook.md, CodeBook.txt & CodeBook.html) Use one which is convenient to you.
- I have also created a R script to generate codebook from my tidy dataset. Script name is 'CodeBook-Generation.R'
- Run this file using source('CodeBook-Generation.R') after 'run_analysis.R'. It will use in-memory object tidySet to create code book.