Added new
Start Screenshare
andStop Screenshare
methods that allow the local participant to share their screen. -
The plugin now allows connecting to a conference as either a regular listener or a Real-time Streaming (RTS) listener. Regular listeners receive one mixed audio stream from a conference and one video stream from each participant who uses a camera. RTS listeners receive only one mixed audio stream and one mixed video stream from a conference. To connect a participant as a listener, call the Connect function and set the
Connection Mode
parameter to a desired value. Not setting the parameter results in connecting the participant as an active user. -
Improved the Spatial Audio feature by adding a new
Spatial Audio Style
parameter to the Connect function. The parameter defines how the spatial location is communicated between the SDK and the Dolby.io server. You can either use the individual, shared, or disabled style:-
In the individual style, positions are not shared between participants, so each participant sets the positions of all participants and hears a unique spatial audio scene.
In the default shared style, one spatial audio scene is shared by all participants who hear audio from their locations. This approach is ideal for shared spaces, such as virtual trade shows or games. The additional benefit of this style is simplified communication between the client and the server and decreased network traffic.
Added new
Mute Participant
andUnmute Participant
functions that allow the local participant to mute selected remote participants. -
Plugin builds are now available for Unreal Engine 5.1.
Simplified remote video rendering.
Simplified Blueprint designs by exposing Dolby.io Subsystem’s functions as separate nodes that do not need the subsystem reference as a target.
Bug Fixes
Improved video stability.