These SVGs show how you can customize the text, both colors, and the width of each side.
These SVGs are based on those used by
npm install svg-shield --save
var shield = require( "svg-shield" );
var options = { name: "name", value: "value" }; // see Options section
shield.getShield( options, function ( err, svg ) {
// do something with svg now, for example with Express
return res.type( "image/svg+xml" ).send( svg );
The width of the left side of the shield
The width of the right side of the shield
The background color of the right side of the shield, commonly a neutral color, like gray
The background color of the right side of the shield, commonly an indicator color, like red or green
The text on the left side of the shield
The text on the right side of the shield
The font that should be used for badge text
The size of the badge text, values are bounded to min: 8, max: 17
The size of the chamfer of the badge, values are bounded to min: 0, max: 10