IIT Kanpur eMasters Next Generation Wireless Technology (formerly known as Wireless Technologies) Course Material
Welcome to the repository containing course materials for the eMasters- NGWT program at the Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur (IIT Kanpur). Here, you'll find resources for various subjects covered in the eMasters program as collated by me. Feel free to browse, use, and contribute to this repository.
The eMasters - Next Generation Wireless Technologies is an online Masters Degree program offered by IIT Kanpur is designed to advance the career of working professional with cutting edge curriculum. The course covers the latest and gretest techniques in wireless technologies focused towards 5G and beyond. This repository contains the material prepared, collated by me while I studied this course.
- EE-900 Applied Linear Algebra for Wireless Communications
- EE-901 Probability and Random Process
- EE-902 Advanced ML Techniques for Wireless Technology
- EE-904 Deep Learning for Communications
- EE-908 Convex Optimisation in SPCOM
- EE-909 Estimation for Wireless Communication
- EE-910 Digital Communication Systems 1
- EE-915 Python-based ML Simulation for Wireless Communication
- EE-920 Wireless Communication
- EE-922 Simulation-based Design of 5G-NR Wireless Standard
- EE-930 Detection for Wireless Communication and Machine Learning
- EE-932 Introduction to Reinforcement Learning
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If you have any questions, suggestions, or concerns regarding this repository, please feel free to contact Venkateswar Reddy Melachervu.