SCFG is a simple config storage. It provides api to load config by cache. Service uses PostgreSQL to store configurations and memory cache to optimize the speed of loading.
It provides only one api endpoint.
/get - this endpoint loads config by cache.
The example of request:
"type": "Deploy.robot",
"data": "stages"
The example of response:
"hosts": [
"repo": "",
"user": "deployer",
"migrations": ""
It is possible to up service using two ways:
- Install PosgreSQL
- Download goose and run migrations specifying correct data to PosgreSQL:
$ go get -u
$ cd migrations/
$ goose postgres "user=postgres password=root dbname=scfg sslmode=disable" up
- Run command:
make run
- Up docker containers running command:
$ make docker
- Download goose and run migrations specifying correct data to PosgreSQL:
$ go get -u
$ cd migrations/
$ goose postgres "user=postgres password=root dbname=scfg sslmode=disable" up
It will up docker environment with PosgreSQL container
Using these ways it will run on 9002 port and with database connections parameters, which are stored in etc/database.json file.
You can use own parameters. For this run application as follow for example:
go run main.go --api.listen-addr="http://localhost:9005" --database.config-path="db.json"