Employees management REST service
Download and install the Geode binary distribution from http://geode.apache.org/releases/.
Add gfsh to the PATH environment variable
Activate gfsh utility from command line and then run following commands: start locator start server create region --name=employees --type=REPLICATE
Save employees_list.json file under C:/
Build and Run EmployeeRestServer project
To test EmployeeRestServer service use Postman application (https://www.getpostman.com/)
Following paths are available:
To receive all the active employees:
To add a new employee(s): POST /employee/ HTTP/1.1 Host: localhost:8080 Content-Type: application/json [ {
"id": 1182291,
"firstName": "Eyalush",
"MiddleInitial": "none",
"lastName": "Rot",
"DateOfBirth": "2001-11-11",
"DateOfEmployment": "2001-11-11",
"Status": 1
To update existent employee(s):
PUT /employee/ HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:8080
Content-Type: application/json
"id": 10118,
"firstName": "EyalushNew",
"MiddleInitial": "none",
"lastName": "Rot",
"DateOfBirth": "2001-11-11",
"DateOfEmployment": "2001-11-11",
"Status": 1
To get information of a particular employee:
To make employees inactive (demands authorization: user=user, password should be taked from RestServer console log:e.g. Using default security password: 90b74cec-4c25-4562-a7d0-077fec8a1d3f):
DELETE /delete HTTP/1.1 Host: localhost:8080 Content-Type: application/json Authorization: Basic dXNlcjo5MGI3NGNlYy00YzI1LTQ1NjItYTdkMC0wNzdmZWM4YTFkM2Y= [ { "id": 10118 }, { "id": 11891 } ]