- Splashscreen with the icon and the name of the app
- Main screen
- It is a navigation drawer activity
- The menu on the left contains the next items:
- Full name of the user (on the top area)
- Email address of the user (on the top area)
- Home (item)
- About Us (item)
- Contact (item)
- Share (item)
- The main fragment of this activity will be the list of trips. This list will be displayed when the home item will be clicked
- Each trip could be added in the favourite list
- If the user press long click on an item, then the edit screen of the selected trip will be displayed
- Trip list will be a RecylerView and each item will contain the next fields:
- Picture
- Trip Name
- Destination
- Price / Rating
- Bookmark button to mark the trip as favourite
- Add/Edit trip
- The add action will be triggered by the FAB button from the trips list
- The edit action will be triggered when the user will long click on the item from the trips list
- This activity will contain the next fields:
- Trip Name (input)
- Destination (input)
- Trip Type with 3 possible options (single choice - radio group)
- City Break
- Sea Side
- Mountains
- Price (EUR) (slider)
- Start Date (date picker)
- End Date (date picker)
- Rating (rating bar)
- Gallery Photo (select a photo from gallery) [optional]
- Take Photo (take a picture using a camera) [optional]
- Save button
- Save all the data from your app in the local database, recommended using Room library.
- Create a new screen that will display the details of the trip in read only mode. You will be the designer of that screen, so be creative! :) The details screen will be displayed when the user will click on an item from the trips list. Also display in this screen the weather from that location using a public api like https://openweathermao.org/current