A cookiecutter template for quickly generating a microservice structure
- the name of the microserivice. This will be the name of the main module so it should only contain something that is a valid Python module identifier (lowercase letters, underscore and maybe digits)version
- the version of the microserviceauthor
- your nameshort_description
- a few words about your microservice
This will generate the following structure (let's say the name
attribute is microsvc
- readme.rst # a generic readme - setup.py # a minimal setup.py for easily installation if the package - MANIFEST.in # for static file inclusion - microsvc # the main module of the service - cli.py # a command-line utility script. - service.py # where the main MicroService class is - handelers # for custom handlers - index.py # dummy Tornado handler for "/" - html - static # this ships with MaterializeCSS frontent framework - css - js - fonts - roboto - templates - template.html # the base template - index.html # demo greetings message to be desplayed at "/"
By default, it assumes that all the templates will be in the templates directory. If you make some restructuring in the templates and/or static directories, you have to update the MANIFEST.in file to inlclude the extra files properly.
Enjoy :)