Some small projects that only take like one file to complete
Sorted by date of creation (earliest first)
Name | Description | Language | Status |
MorseCodeDecoder... (name shortened) | brute forces valid International Morse code | Java | Complete |
InstagramBot | loop through your feed and like all new posts | Python | In Progress |
Audiobook | reads a file out loud | Python | Transferred to Repostiory |
WebBrowser | RGB cyclic web browser | Python | In Progress |
SpamBot | a bot that spams | Python | Complete |
Extreme URL Encoding | overly encodes texts to URL format (percent format) | Python | Questionable Functionality |
Ultrasonic Candy Dispenser | a non contact candy dispenser | Arduino | Complete |
MapMaker | a graphical map making program to make CS 246 easier | Python | Complete |
Certificate Generator | script for generating an image certificate | Python | Complete |